Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 06 Feb 2025  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Benchmarking of Key Cities and Their Transport Development Strategies

    Sustainability and Electrification will be the Focus Points for Public Transport Operators in the Short-to-Mid Term

    City transportation systems around the world are undergoing significant transformation due to technological advancements, changing urban landscapes, and evolving expectations from residents. Traffic congestion, air pollution, and inefficient use of resources are common challenges that transport operators across cities are grappling with. To address...

  2. 03 Feb 2025  |  Global  |  Customer Research

    Voice of Consumer - Buyer Profiles of Electric Two-wheelers in India

    India’s Electric Two-wheeler Adoption is Growing due to the Country's Push for Sustainability, Cost Savings, and Pollution Reduction

    India's E2W market is expanding quickly due to rising petrol prices, government incentives, and growing environmental concerns. To effectively target customers and meet their needs, OEMs and marketers should understand the buyer profiles of electric two-wheelers. This study examines the Voice of the Consumer by looking at the traits, inclinations, ...

  3. 29 Jan 2025  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Automotive Production Trends and Insights, Global, 2025-2030

    Light Vehicle Production is Experiencing Transformational Growth Due to Product Portfolio Electrification

    The global automotive industry experienced dynamic transformations in 2024, driven by rapid advancements in powertrain technologies and shifting production strategies. As the industry adapts to a growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid powertrains, major original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are refining their model portfolios to ca...

  4. 29 Jan 2025  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Customer Research

    Voice of Consumer: Buyer Profiles of Petrol - powered Two-wheelers in India

    Consumer Demand for Urban Mobility Solutions, Affordability, and Reliability are Driving Growth

    There is a growing demand for petrol-powered two-wheelers (P2Ws) in India to fulfill urban mobility and commuting needs. To effectively address consumer requirements and expectations, it is essential to have a clear understanding of buyer profiles and preferences regarding these vehicles. This Frost & Sullivan report aims to capture the voice of th...

  5. 16 Jan 2025  |  Global  |  Customer Research

    Voice of Customer: Willingness and Desirability for Commercial Vehicle Tires in India

    Fleet Operators Seek Comprehensive One-stop Tire Maintenance Solutions

    In India, commercial vehicle tire maintenance is highly fragmented, with fleet operators largely relying on basic services, such as tire pressure checks, puncture repairs, and tread depth inspections. These services are typically provided by local retailers, roadside garages, and independent workshops, but more advanced services, including wheel al...

  6. 16 Jan 2025  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of Servitization for Truck Manufacturers, 2030

    Opportunities in the Medium- and Heavy-Duty Markets in Europe and North America

    This Frost & Sullivan study examines the evolution of servitization among medium- and heavy-duty truck manufacturers. Servitization is transforming the business landscape by shifting manufacturers' focus from selling products to providing value-added services that improve customer connections and operational efficiencies. The transformation allow...

  7. 13 Jan 2025  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    Voice of Consumer: Pickup Vehicle Buyer Profiles in North America

    OEMs and Ecosystem Players Should Prioritize Investments in Digital Marketing Channels Over the Short to Medium Term

    The report evaluates the growth potential of the pickup truck sector in North America (the United States and Canada), focusing on key demographics, consumer lifestyles and interests, consumer attitudes and adoption, and marketing channels. It analyzes the potential target audience, providing an overview of their behavioral patterns. The assessmen...

  8. 07 Jan 2025  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Commercial Vehicle (CV) Predictive Maintenance Industry, North America, Europe, and India, 2024-2029

    Prognostics is Driving Growth by Increasing Operational Efficiency and Reducing Maintenance Costs

    The commercial vehicle industry is undergoing a major transformation, fueled by rapid technological advancements and rising demand for efficiency, safety, and sustainability. A standout innovation in this shift is prognostics, which is the ability to predict vehicle health and performance based on real-time data. This study takes a deep dive into p...

  9. 27 Dec 2024  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Ride-hailing Advertising Market, North America, 2024 to 2045

    Ride-hailing Advertising is Experiencing Transformational Growth due to the Use of AI and Advanced Display Technology

    This Frost & Sullivan report examines the ride-hailing advertising industry in North America, focusing on both in-app and on-car advertising. It explores how advertising has become a significant revenue stream for ride-hailing companies, analyzing current and future trends. The ride-hailing industry has evolved its business model over the years, de...

  10. 26 Dec 2024  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Construction and Mining Equipment Electrification Industry, Global, 2024-2035

    Sustainability Targets are Driving Transformational Growth

    Electrification in the construction and mining industry has grown significantly in recent years, with the global market size of original equipment manufacturers reaching $241.2 billion in 2023. Unit sales in electric and hybrid models reached 59,909 units in 2023, and Frost & Sullivan projects a 16.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), reaching 37...
