Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 21 Jul 2021  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Poland’s Demographic and Economic Growth Opportunities

    Future Growth Potential Boosted by Fiscal Stimulus and Structural Reforms

    Hailed as the European Unions growth champion in 2019, Poland experienced significant economic contractions in 2020. A resurgence of COVID-19 caused a double-dip in countrys GDP growth rate. The economic risks associated with COVID-19 restrictions persisted in early 2021 as the second wave of the virus swept the country. Will Poland return to its p...

  2. 11 Feb 2021  |  Europe  |  Megatrends

    A New Global Paradigm with China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative

    Improved Connectivity and Reshaping of Trade Relations Leading to New Growth Opportunities

    China envisions the revival of the ancient Silk Road, which previously facilitated trade with nations across Persia, Central Asia, and Europe for over 2,000 years, as a catalyst to unify both local and international markets through trade activities and trade routes. The introduction of the One Belt, One Road Initiative in 2013 seeks to develop a ne...

  3. 15 Jan 2021  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Transformative Economic and Demographic Trends in Russia, 2025

    Increased Innovation Investments and Demographic Shifts Offer Future Growth Potential

    Russia experienced weak GDP growth in 2019. Russia's 2020 economic downturn was two-fold: the joint impact of a crash in the oil prices and health crisis mitigation lockdowns will keep the economy contracted till early 2021. How long are the economic constraints on the growth expected to last? What are the strategic imperatives for businesses in Ru...

  4. 25 Aug 2020  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Transformative Macroeconomic Trends that will Alter the Investor Environment in the United Kingdom

    Full Post-Covid-19 GDP Recovery by Q1 2022

    Covid-19 has catapulted the UK economy into further uncertainty, adding to the volatility already caused by Brexit. The next few months will be critical to the UK's economic recovery, as the country emerges from lockdown, and finalizes its post-transition trading relationship with the EU. This research service has been designed to help clients deve...

  5. 17 Jan 2020  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Western Europe Tracker, H1 2020

    Subdued Global Demand and Political Uncertainty Disourage Business Confidence

    The economic outlook for Western Europe is expected to stay muted in 2020. The US-China trade wars, global economic slowdown, and the uncertainty surrounding Brexit have softened external demand, affecting export-based economies such as Germany. While unemployment rates have been low and stable across most of Western Europe, job growth has plateaue...

  6. 29 Aug 2018  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Eastern Europe and CIS Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, H1 2018

    Resilient Domestic Demand Drives Economic Growth

    Economies of the Eastern European countries are gaining strength, being predominantly backed by domestic demand. The GDP is expected to increase by 2.84% in Q2 2018 compared to what it was a year ago, and by 3.0% by the end of 2018. The region is benefiting from upbeat labor markets and strong inflow of European structural funds. Growth in the Cze...

  7. 10 Aug 2018  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Brexit Impact on UK Economy and Business, Forecast to 2023

    GDP Growth to Dip to Negative 0.4% by 2021 in No Deal Scenario; Growth to Weaken but Remain Positive in Other Probable Scenarios

    With Brexit day fast approaching, this study examines the implications of Brexit for the UK economy and UK businesses. Key topics covered include transition period impact, UK-EU post-Brexit relationship scenarios, scenario-based macroeconomic outlook, and scenario-based industry outlook for the automotive and financial services industries. Brexit ...

  8. 16 Mar 2018  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Emerging Europe Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, Quarter 4, 2017

    Domestic Demand Supports Strong Growth

    Economies of the Emerging Europe are growing on a strong footing. The GDP is expected to increase by 3.42% in Q1 2018 from Q1 2017, and by 3.6% by end of 2018. The region is benefiting from buoyant labor markets and strong inflow of European structural funds apart from strong export demand from the Eurozone economy. The Czech economy grew by 4.7% ...

  9. 16 Mar 2018  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Emerging Europe Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, Quarter 3, 2017

    Growth Accelerates Further; Buoyant Domestic Demand

    Strong growth is expected to continue in Emerging Europe in 2018, driven by robust private demand and a dynamic external sector. In the Czech Republic, increase in wages is driving private consumption. Following the removal of the exchange rate floor in April 2017, value of the Czech currency koruna is likely to strengthen further in 2018. Hungaria...

  10. 02 Feb 2018  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Western Europe Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, Quarter 4, 2017

    Strong Economic Recovery with Bright Growth Prospects for 2018

    The Western European economy will continue its recovery with economic growth gaining momentum amid continuing political uncertainty. Frost & Sullivan expects 2017 GDP growth to reach 2% with slight moderation of 1.8% in 2018. Germany is expected to continue its strong economic growth supported by increased foreign investment inflows as well as stro...
