Economic Tracker Market Research Reports

Economic volatilities warrant constant visibility of macro and industry related metrics. Economic data allows for sound decision making in the realm of investments, geographic expansion and industry growth. Understanding the changing global economic, social & industrial landscape in developed and emerging countries is important to identify untapped growth opportunities.

Recognizing the need to continuously keep track of global data and developments amidst ongoing volatilities and changing dynamics, Frost & Sullivan introduces the Global Economic Tracker- Insight and Trends (GET-IT) deliverable. Providing clients with a quarterly snapshot of economic and industrial metrics through historical data as well as forecasts until 2020, it also includes an annually updated analysis of key mega-regions. These timely updates enable you to analyzing changing scenarios and modulate growth expectations, aiding in decision making.

The Global Economic Tracker-Insights and Trends (GET-IT) is a quarterly updated database of key economic and industry parameters to provide dynamic insights to track volatility and navigate uncertainties in the global economic environment.

Each GET-IT report presents short term as well as medium term forecasts along with historic data for economic and industry indicators across countries and regions. A short-term forecast is provided for next 8 quarters, estimates are provided for the current year and medium-term forecasts are made for next five years, for select indicators.

  1. 24 Dec 2019  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Eastern Europe Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, H2 2019

    Weak Global Economy Discouraging Exports

    The economies of Eastern European countries have had a slow 2019, with stalling or contracting growth in certain economies. The global economic slump, ongoing trade wars, the weak German economy, and Brexit have discouraged external demand. Internal demand, due to low inflation, wage growth, and tight labor markets, has been able to sustain the pro...

  2. 21 Nov 2019  |  Africa  |  Tracker

    Middle East and Africa (MEA) Economic Tracker, H2 2019

    Economic Slowdown Dampening Growth Prospects

    Major economies in the Middle East and Africa experienced an economic slowdown with GDP growth rate declining for Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Nigeria, Qatar, Israel, and Iran in the second quarter of 2019. The area is affected by volatile oil prices, and in Q2 especially, there was a decline in oil prices and production cuts by OPEC. ...

  3. 17 Sep 2019  |  Asia Pacific  |  Economic and Databases

    Asia-Pacific Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, H2 2019

    Weak External Sector Performance Restraining Growth

    The economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region experienced a slowdown due to increasing global trade tensions in the second quarter of 2019. Key economies in the region such as China, India, and Thailand have experienced slower than anticipated growth rates, in line with global economic slowdown. In H2 2019, inflationary pressure in the region rema...

  4. 26 Jul 2019  |  Global  |  Economic and Databases

    Growth, Innovation, and Leadership Index for Healthcare Attractiveness (GIL-H Index), 2019

    A Data-driven Research-based Country Pipeline System to Gauge Country Competitiveness in Healthcare

    Despite global political uncertainties and a subdued economic outlook, 2019 proves to be promising for the global healthcare industry, supported by growing and more aware middle class, accelerated aging population across the globe seeking personalized medical insurance, and higher R&D budgets across the board. The adoption of digital technologies g...

  5. 26 Jun 2019  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    Americas Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, H1 2019

    Growth Slowdown in the First Half due to Escalating Trade War

    Economic growth in the Americas is expected to slow down in H1 2019. The region continues to see low private and public sector investment. Poor infrastructure, in addition to shortcomings in the education system, contributes to low productivity and weak external competitiveness. Panama and Chile are expected to see the highest growth at 4.8% and 3....

  6. 26 Jun 2019  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    Americas Economic Tracker—Insights and Trends, H2 2019

    Growth to Stagnate Due to External Environment and Political Uncertainties

    The pace of growth in the Americas is expected to slow down in the coming quarters. The weakening global economy and an anticipated slowdown in the US economy are expected to affect economic growth in the region. While the US economy expanded with a high growth rate of 3.2% and 2.5% in Q1 and Q2 2019, the economy is expected to slow down in the com...

  7. 17 Jun 2019  |  North America  |  Market Research

    2019 Update—Cellular IoT Connections and Connectivity Revenue Forecast, 2017-2025

    Cellular IoT Connections to Grow Rapidly as Low Power Networks and 5G Drive Adoption

    This study provides the market size and forecast for Cellular IoT connections and connectivity revenue for cellular network operators. This global study is segmented by regions, namely, North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific. All connections and connectivity revenue forecasts are provided for the follo...

  8. 12 Jun 2019  |  North America  |  Market Research

    2019 Update—Total Internet of Things (IoT) Device Forecast, 2017-2025

    By 2025, there will be over 8 connected devices per human in the world, driving automation and powering the data economy

    The study is a detailed forecast of the total number of IoT devices globally. The study is broken out by region: North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. The North American market is broken down between the United States and Canada. Each region is also broken down by application. The study is a combination of ...

  9. 14 May 2019  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Western Europe Tracker—Insights and Trends, H2 2019

    Slow Global Demand and Political Uncertainty to Weigh Upon Growth

    Economic outlook for the West European countries, like Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, is expected to remain downbeat throughout 2019 due to weak business sentiment arising out of Brexit issues and slow global economic recovery. Domestic demand and consumer sentiments supported by low inflation and st...

  10. 14 May 2019  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Western Europe Tracker—Insights and Trends, H1 2019

    Slowing Economic Dynamic with Brexit Issues Looming

    In Q3 2018, regional growth in the Western Europe region remained stagnated at 1.6% with growth expected to remain low during the forecast period predominantly due to uncertainties arising out of the Brexit issues and slow growth outlook in emerging markets. Economic growth in Germany appears to have touched a near-zero situation in Q4 2018 and is ...
