Grids Market Research Reports

Grids vertical offers comprehensive research reports on a range of markets. Each commercial report published by us provide data and insights on market estimates, competitive analysis and benchmarking, industry and technological trends, tables, charts and market size forecast for 5 to 7 years. Type of engagement platform we offer to clients include market engineering research, market insights and white papers, movers and shakers interview, economic research and analysis, market outlook studies, mega trend topics, customer surveys and issue based deliverables.

Our broad spectrum of market coverage includes,

  • Switchgear Market
  • Transformer market
  • Circuit Breaker Market
  • Distribution and Substation Automation
  • Metering and AMI Market
  • Smart Grids Market
  1. 11 Oct 2017  |  North America  |  Market Research

    North American Digital Grid Communication Infrastructure, Forecast to 2023

    Modernizing the Electric Grid through Connectivity

    The study estimates that the total digital grid communication infrastructure market for the North American electric grid would grow at a CAGR of 9.1% through the forecast years. The study estimates the size of the market to be $555 Million as of 2016 and is forecast to reach over $1 Billion by 2023. The study categorizes the market into two broad ...

  2. 04 Oct 2017  |  North America  |  Market Research

    North American Digital Substation Market, Forecast to 2022

    Growing Distributed Energy Resources and Need for Grid Modernization will Drive Demand

    Utility substations form an integral part of the entire grid network. They will play a vital role in the smart grids of tomorrow. With growing complexity in the grid, energy companies are recognizing the importance of digital transformation. Additional challenges include substation projects coming under increasing cost and time pressure, investors...

  3. 28 Apr 2017  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Emerging Business Models in the Global ESS Market, 2017

    Transformational New Business Models Focussing on Integrated Distributed Energy Storage Systems

    Distributed energy resources and distributed energy storage systems (ESS) are changing the face of power generation and distribution in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. To tap these new market opportunities, consumers need to be properly supported with financing options for ESS installations. The study s...

  4. 11 Apr 2017  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Turkish Electricity Meter Market, Forecast to 2020

    Minimising Electricity Losses Creates a Strong Business Case for Smart Metering in Turkey

    This is a research service on the Turkish electricity meters market. The study provides forecasts of unit shipment and associated revenues. The study covers a forecast period from 2016 to 2020 and provides a comprehensive overview from 2014 to 2020 for important steps regarding electricity meter rollouts. Supportive regulations is the biggest drive...

  5. 03 Jan 2017  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Innovation Benchmarking in European Energy Utilities

    Identifying Best Practices among Leading Firms

    The energy industry, which has traditionally been highly stable, is currently undergoing a drastic transformation. A number of disrupting elements, including the digitisation of electricity networks and products, deregulation, increased competition from new entrants, decreasing demand, a shift to cleaner energy sources, changes in consumption patte...

  6. 23 Sep 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Solar Power Market Dynamics

    Key Opportunities for Concentrated Solar Power Markets

    A number of countries worldwide place the development of solar power high on their agenda since it fosters a carbon-free generation method and advances energy storage. This market insight evaluates the current market status of the global solar power market and its technological developments. Further, it discusses key Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) ...

  7. 10 Jul 2015  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Electricity Pricing

    The Dawn of Cost-reflective Prices and Associated Challenges in the Economy

    Electricity cost is critical to developing an electricity industry and has been a contentious issue in Sub-Saharan Africa. Electricity price has not reflected the true cost of generation and supply, hampering investment in electricity infrastructure, resulting in frequent power outages, and constraining economic growth of Sub-Saharan economies. The...

  8. 22 Nov 2013  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Market

    Strong Global Growth as the Smart Market Accelerates

    As the smart grid continues to develop, metering is a key building block in the process, enabling the accurate measurement of consumption and allowing utility companies to move toward real-time pricing and policies to try and reduce peak demand. The market is being driven by increased regulations and, in some markets, a desire to minimise non-techn...

  9. 11 Feb 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The Future of Namibia and Energy

    Mining and Anticipated Oil and Gas Discoveries could Catalyse Industry and Economic Development

    The energy sector in Namibia is dominated by liquid fuel usage, imported electricity and local wood fuel supplies. Namibia's economic growth potential lies in the development of its mines and the discovery of oil and gas. This research service gives a comprehensive analysis of the current energy situation in Namibia as well as the country's future ...

  10. 31 Jan 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    2012 Updated Overview of Mozambique's Electricity Industry

    The Coal and Gas Rush in Mozambique Will Increase the Electricity Demand in the Country

    The Mozambican electricity demand is set to grow rapidly. This is due to large natural gas finds and the exportation of coal in 2012. Mozambique's GDP is expected to grow at close to 8.0 percent till 2017. Transmission and distribution infrastructure is the greatest restraint in the electricity industry and a new 'Transmission Backbone' is needed t...
