Healthcare Market Research Reports

Healthcare, the world's largest industry, is transforming faster than ever. The focus on outcomes based medicine and optimal health management of populations will result in major seismic shifts. Modernization and reform measures are being employed globally by public and private sector organizations to meet the growing need for healthcare. New technologies are being created, offering enormous promise to improve care delivery.

Our Transformational Health practice serves all key industry stakeholders through partnership models that provide access to high-quality content and our global team of industry experts. The practice includes Visionary Health, Life Sciences, Advanced Medical Technologies and Connected Health, focusing on evolving healthcare technologies and covering the entire industry spectrum

  1. 16 Mar 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Frost & Sullivan’s Top Emerging Markets List 2017

    Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL) Index for Emerging Markets

    The opening up of emerging markets to global capital, technology, and talent over the past two decades has fundamentally changed their economic and business environment. Rapid emerging market economic growth has helped lift millions out of poverty and expand the middle class, creating new markets for consumer products and services. In addition a la...

  2. 12 Jan 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Future of Behavioral Healthcare Paradigms, Forecast to 2022

    Digital Solutions to Address Challenges in Patient Engagement and Support

    The annual global cost of mental illnesses is set to rise to a whopping $6 trillion in 2030, from $2.5 trillion in 2010. Furthermore, the global treatment gap in 2004 for disorders such as depression and anxiety was more than 50% (half of the patients went untreated). Unfortunately, the situation has still not changed significantly. A growing body...
