Healthcare Market Research Reports

The global Healthcare industry is undergoing an era of significant change. The expansion of telemedicine, progress in personalized medicine, and the adoption of advanced diagnostic technologies are rapidly reshaping the market. To remain competitive and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses need access to the latest market research and insights.

Frost & Sullivan provides comprehensive market research reports for the Healthcare sector, featuring detailed market forecasts, industry trend analyses, competitive benchmarks, and future growth opportunity assessments. Our reports are crafted by leading industry analysts and researchers, utilizing a thorough research methodology that combines primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered in Healthcare:

Drug Development & Innovation:

  • Rare Disease Treatment Market (Orphan Drugs): Analyzes orphan drugs for rare diseases, including development, regulations, and commercialization.
  • Drug Discovery Outsourcing Trends: Explores the growing role of outsourcing in drug discovery and early-phase clinical trials.
  • Biotechnology Investment & Funding: Examines trends and opportunities for investment in the biotech sector.
  • Innovations in Small Molecule Drug Delivery: Explores advancements in delivering medications to the body more effectively.

Digital Health & Telehealth:

  • Digital Mental Health Solutions: Analyzes digital tools used to manage mental health and behavioral conditions.
  • Home Care Technology Trends: Explores the use of technology to improve home-based healthcare.
  • Mobile Medical Imaging: Analyzes the increasing use of mobile devices for medical imaging.
  • Digital Health Regulations: Analyzes regulations impacting the development and use of digital health solutions.
  • Healthcare Cloud Services: Examines the adoption of cloud-based IT solutions for healthcare organizations.

Medical Devices & Diagnostics:

  • Non-invasive Prenatal Testing: Analyzes the market for prenatal tests that are minimally invasive for the mother.
  • Cardiology Medical Imaging Informatics: Explores technologies that manage and analyze heart-specific medical imaging data.
  • Hospital-at-Home Platforms & Services: Analyzes services allowing patients to receive hospital-level care at home.
  • Digital Pathology Technology Innovations: Explores advancements in using digital tools for analyzing tissue samples.
  • Emerging Respiratory Care Companies: Identifies promising companies in the respiratory care space.
  • Sports Medicine Industry: Analyzes the market for products and services used in sports medicine.
  • Cardiovascular Devices: Analyzes the market for devices used to treat heart conditions.
  • Diabetes Care Devices: Analyzes the market for devices used to manage diabetes.
  • Molecular Diagnostics for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Analyzes the development and potential of diagnostics for diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • Smartphone-based Point-of-care Testing: Analyzes advancements in using smartphones for medical testing at the point of care.
  • Diagnostics Lab Automation & Monitoring Solutions: Explores the market for automated solutions used in diagnostic laboratories.

Other Healthcare Growth Areas:

  • Oral Solid Dosage Formulation Industry: Explores opportunities in developing and manufacturing oral medications.
  • Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Testing: Examines the growing market for genetic and other wellness tests available directly to consumers.

Clinical Trials & Drug Development Services:

  • Growth Opportunities in Drug Discovery and Early Development Outsourcing Services: Analyzes the trend of pharmaceutical companies outsourcing drug discovery and early development activities.
  • Innovative AI-enabled Clinical Trial Companies: Identifies and analyzes promising companies using AI in clinical trials.

Biopharmaceutical Products:

  • Growth Opportunities in Global Diabetes and Obesity Therapeutics: Analyzes the market for drugs used to treat diabetes and obesity.
  • Advances and Growth Opportunities in Ophthalmology Therapeutics (Biologics): Explores advancements and market opportunities for biologic drugs used in treating eye diseases.

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 09 Mar 2015  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    2015 Global Outlook of the Healthcare Industry

    Digitization, Decentralization, and Democratization of Healthcare

    In this research deliverable, Frost & Sullivan’s senior analyst team across the healthcare sector provide bold perspectives and predictions for the industry in 2015. The markets covered include pharmaceuticals and biotech, medical devices, medical imaging, and healthcare IT, amongst others. The analysis captures the impact of trends which are exp...

  2. 05 Mar 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Growth Drivers for Biomarkers in Healthcare

    Managing Success in the Biomarker Industry—Challenges and Opportunities

    Biomarkers are no longer mere tools used to measure the criteria of a biological process characteristic. They are being increasingly used in patient stratification and customised medical interventions. This research service presents an overview and analysis of the global biomarker market. It provides revenue forecasts for biomarker on technological...

  3. 26 Feb 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Regulatory Trends in the US Pharma/Biotech Industry

    Efficiency of the FDA Review Process Expedites Access to Care

    This research service focuses on existing therapeutics and product pipeline for the treatment of Parkinsons Disease using Dopamine Replacement Therapies, Dopamine Agonists, MAO-inhibitors, COMT-inhibitors and other pharamcolgical approaches for current global interest. This research service does not cover vaccines. A product and pipeline assessmen...

  4. 04 Feb 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global CRO Market

    Transformation, Developments, Opportunities and Future of CRO Market

    This research service presents an overview and analysis of the global clinical trials and research outsourcing (CRO) market. It provides revenue forecasts for CROs globally by phase, therapeutic type, and region. It addresses the major issues and challenges, unmet needs, and emerging trends in the market. Detailed information has been provided on s...

  5. 29 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Technology Research

    Emerging Trends in Cell Banking (Technical Insights)

    Trends in Master and Working Cell Baking

    The execution of different test methods aiming to evaluate the stability and potency of biopharmaceutical products, as well as, their pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profiles, their characterization and comparison with other drugs, or the detection of antidrug antibodies (ADAs) or neutralizing antibodies (NAB), represent critical stages in ...

  6. 26 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Technology Research

    Advances in Biosensing Technologies (Technical Insights)

    This research service summarises the developments occuring in the biosensing industry.

  7. 08 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Economic and Databases

    Healthcare Trends and Game ChangersA Socio-Economic Perspective

    Economic Development Innovation: Game Changers in Healthcare

    Healthcare delivery and accessibility are critical to the economic development of a country. Using key indicators reflective of the healthcare scenario in a country and comparing them with government expenditure has demonstrated that some countries have improved healthcare conditions despite minimal spending. Innovation in service delivery is key t...

  8. 07 Oct 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Stem Cell Market

    The key to Transforming Future of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine

    This study investigates the global stem cell market for the period 2013 to 2018. The geographic regions covered in the study are the North America, Europe and APAC, followed by a detailed Asia Pacific Region Analysis, which covers countries such as India, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and Japan. The stem cell market is cover...

  9. 03 Jul 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    A Global Product and Pipeline Analysis of Antiretroviral Drug Development for the Treatment of HIV/AIDS

    Antiretroviral Combinations Continue to Transform the Treatment Landscape

    This research service focuses on antiviral/antiretroviral therapeutics for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. A product and pipeline assessment is provided for marketed and investigational products and combination regimens for the treatment of HIV infection. Segmentation by drug class is provided along with additional supporting information such as clinica...
