Polymers Market Research Market Research Reports

  1. In this new report, Frost & Sullivan examines the current stage of commercialisation reached by three main types of ICPs, polyaniline, polythiophene (PEDT) and polypyrrole, in a range of key applications. The principal market drivers, restraints and market potential are assessed in five commercial and semi-commercial applications. The report also...

  2. Biopolymers are polymers that are generated from renewable natural sources. They are often biodegradable and not toxic to produce. Therefore, they offer far-reaching environmental advantages. Biopolymers can also be made from a variety of natural materials. Because of the advantages of biopolymers, the research community is doing extensive work in ...

  3. 17 Sep 1999  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    European Emulsion Polymers Markets
