Telecom Market Research Reports

The global Telecom market is undergoing significant changes. The deployment of 5G technology, the surge in IoT device connectivity, and the increasing use of sophisticated communication technologies are reshaping the industry. To stay ahead and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses require access to current market research and insights.

Frost & Sullivan offers comprehensive market research reports tailored to the Telecom sector, including extensive market forecasts, industry trend analyses, competitive benchmarks, and future growth evaluations. Our reports are meticulously developed by top analysts and researchers, employing a thorough research approach that combines primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered:

Communication & Collaboration Technologies:

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Video Conferencing:
    • Market Analysis: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028), Global Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Meeting Room Solutions: Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
    • User Adoption: 2024 UCC Buyers Perspectives
  • Unified Communications & Collaboration (UCC): Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Unified Communications and Collaboration, 2024
  • Enterprise Telephony: Growth Opportunities in the Enterprise Telephony Market, 2024

Network Infrastructure & Services:

  • 5G Technology:
    • Network Infrastructure: Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024, Global 5G Network Infrastructure Growth Opportunities
    • Enterprise Services: Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Enterprise Wireless Services, 2024
  • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • SD-WAN: Global SD-WAN Infrastructure Industry, 2024
  • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions

Regional Markets:

  • Asia Pacific (APAC):
    • Video Conferencing: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Digital Payments: Growth Opportunities and Trends in the Asia-Pacific Digital Payment Market (to 2027)
    • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions
  • Indonesia: Indonesian Financial Technology Growth Opportunities (to 2028)
  • North America:
    • Mobile Devices & Data: Growth Opportunities in the US Tier I Mobile Device and Data Industry
    • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: North American Network Access Services, 2023
    • Consumer Communication Services: North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023, North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

Industry Reports & Trackers :

  • Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
  • Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024
  • Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • North American Mobile Tracker, Q4 2023
  • Apple Performance Tracker, Q4 2023
  • North America Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023
  • North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 25 Nov 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the US Government and Military Commercial Satellite Market

    Turbulent Government Contracts Impact Growth

    Despite drastic budget cuts in the US military, satellite demand has managed to remain strong, with consistent year-over-year growth. This is due to a number of factors that are unique to satellite. The US government and military satellite market can be segmented into two subcategories: internal government-supplied satellite solutions and commerci...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  2. 28 Aug 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Satellite Transponder Market

    Commercial Market Drives New Growth

    The satellite transponder market continues to see solid adoption due to new applications, higher available bandwidth and performance capabilities, and increased global need for communications. Moreover, the limitations of competing technologies combined with satellites strengths, global coverage, ability to perform without existing infrastructure...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  3. 13 Jun 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Satellite Imaging Market Insight

    Detailed Global Coverage Continues to Revolutionize the Mapping Industry

    Satellite imaging services are high resolution images obtained from orbiting satellites around the globe, and are of varying levels of detail and precision. This market insight provides an overview of the trends and opportunities for commercially owned and operated satellite imaging providers.


    Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %

  4. 05 May 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Satellite Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Market

    Ka-band Drives New High Bandwidth Growth

    The global satellite VSAT market consists of various applications that require high-speed communications in a small, compact package. VSAT is significantly outpacing some mobile satellite handset technologies and continues to see quick adoption, market penetration, and application growth. Current VSAT applications include broadband, satellite back...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  5. 17 Apr 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global Satellite Transponder Market

    Ku- and Ka-band Demand Drives Growth

    This study covers the satellite transponder market, also known as the fixed satellite services market, operating in 3 frequency bands: C, Ku, and Ka. Transponders are measured by number of transponders, revenue, and average price. Ka-band is currently at the forefront of market growth, with Ku- and C-band offering the widest coverage/install base ...


    Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %

  6. 21 Mar 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the US Government and Military Commercial Satellite Market

    Global Tensions Drive Growth

    This research service examines the US government and military satellite market. It focuses specifically on commercial satellite service providers and their market role. The US military is the largest market vertical for satellite equipment sales and services. This market typically consists of emergency/redundant satellite communications and commun...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  7. 16 Jan 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Analysis of Global Wireless Backhaul via Satellite Market

    The Universal Need to Stay Connected Wirelessly Drives Growth

    Satellite backhaul for cellular services is a growing application for satellite technology to help expand cellular coverage over difficult or remote locations. Satellite technology is also used for cellular backhaul for emergency communications (to restore cellular communications), over-burdened events and gatherings (to off-load some cellular tra...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  8. 03 Jan 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Mobile Satellite Market

    The Growing Popularity of M2M and Other Data Capabilities Drive Mobile Satellite Growth

    The mobile satellite market typically utilizes traditional S-Band or L-Band satellite technology due to their reliability and relatively small antenna requirements. Mobile devices which utilize satellite technology fall under three categories: mobile handsets, mobile modems, and M2M. In these three categories there are adopting users and organiza...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %