Telecom Market Research Reports

The global Telecom market is undergoing significant changes. The deployment of 5G technology, the surge in IoT device connectivity, and the increasing use of sophisticated communication technologies are reshaping the industry. To stay ahead and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses require access to current market research and insights.

Frost & Sullivan offers comprehensive market research reports tailored to the Telecom sector, including extensive market forecasts, industry trend analyses, competitive benchmarks, and future growth evaluations. Our reports are meticulously developed by top analysts and researchers, employing a thorough research approach that combines primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered:

Communication & Collaboration Technologies:

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Video Conferencing:
    • Market Analysis: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028), Global Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Meeting Room Solutions: Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
    • User Adoption: 2024 UCC Buyers Perspectives
  • Unified Communications & Collaboration (UCC): Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Unified Communications and Collaboration, 2024
  • Enterprise Telephony: Growth Opportunities in the Enterprise Telephony Market, 2024

Network Infrastructure & Services:

  • 5G Technology:
    • Network Infrastructure: Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024, Global 5G Network Infrastructure Growth Opportunities
    • Enterprise Services: Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Enterprise Wireless Services, 2024
  • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • SD-WAN: Global SD-WAN Infrastructure Industry, 2024
  • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions

Regional Markets:

  • Asia Pacific (APAC):
    • Video Conferencing: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Digital Payments: Growth Opportunities and Trends in the Asia-Pacific Digital Payment Market (to 2027)
    • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions
  • Indonesia: Indonesian Financial Technology Growth Opportunities (to 2028)
  • North America:
    • Mobile Devices & Data: Growth Opportunities in the US Tier I Mobile Device and Data Industry
    • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: North American Network Access Services, 2023
    • Consumer Communication Services: North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023, North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

Industry Reports & Trackers :

  • Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
  • Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024
  • Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • North American Mobile Tracker, Q4 2023
  • Apple Performance Tracker, Q4 2023
  • North America Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023
  • North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 01 Aug 2013  |  Europe  |  Economic and Databases

    Decision Support Database - European Enterprise Demographics


    The European Enterprise demographics Decision Support Database provides statistics on number of Enterprises by Employee size, number of Enterprises by Industry Verticals, Enterprises by Sector & Employee Size in countries in both Eastern and Western Europe. This module helps gauge the importance, structure and trends of different size of enterprise...

  2. 17 Jul 2013  |  Europe  |  Tracker

    Western European Mobile Communications 2013 Tracker


    This tracker assesses the status of the mobile communications markets in Western Europe. The assessment is based on a number of key performance indicators gathered per country and per mobile network operator. Historic data has been provided for the period between 2009 and 2011. The base year is 2012. The forecasting period goes from 2013 to 2018. T...

  3. 16 Jul 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    The Challengers: Disrupting the Mobile Operating System Duopoly


    With Android and iOS controlling over 90% of the smartphone operating system market, making a dent in the space is extremely difficult. Just look at Windows Phone.

  4. 04 Jul 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    A Week with Samsung and Huawei: The Smartphone Landscape has Changed Forever



  5. 11 Jun 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Facebook Home: Strategies Towards a New Mobile Experience



  6. 28 May 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Overview of the European Mobile Health Applications Market

    Advanced, Integrated Apps are Creating the Gateway to Connected Health

    Mobile health applications (mHealth apps) are proving to be great tools for patient empowerment and to provide better efficiency in healthcare delivery. Although apps are flooding the market, their adoption in Europe is still nascent. However, there are clear signs that this situation is set to change in the next 2 to 3 years. This market insight r...

  7. 24 May 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    ICT Spending in Smart Energy in Europe

    ICT Addressable Market in Smart Energy in Europe

    The estimated capital expenditure for smart grid within the European Union stands at 1 trillion for the next ten years. The ICT community is extremely interested in understanding the required ICT components that build a smart grid. This analysis is an estimation of the addressable market for the ICT sector in smart energy opportunities in Europe...

  8. 19 Apr 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    The Role of Mobile Network Operators in Healthcare Delivery in Central and Eastern Europe

    Mobile Network Operators' Offer in Mobile Health

    Healthcare systems across Europe face a number of challenges that call for a rapid change in the delivery of healthcare services. Mobile network operators can play a significant role in the transformation of healthcare. Although the mobile health (mHealth) market is still nascent, we can observe some interesting initiatives, also in Central and Eas...

  9. 22 Feb 2013  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    ICT in European Public Sector - Market Model 2012

    Country Profiles of ICT in the European Public Sector

    This tracker helps understand the directions a country is taking in terms of ICT markets, smart cities and community services. It profiles 6 key European markets in terms of three sets of indicators, which cover the countrys socio-economic profile; the evolution of ICT such as smartphones, tablets, cloud computing, superfast broadband and LTE; and...
