Telecom Market Research Reports

The global Telecom market is undergoing significant changes. The deployment of 5G technology, the surge in IoT device connectivity, and the increasing use of sophisticated communication technologies are reshaping the industry. To stay ahead and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses require access to current market research and insights.

Frost & Sullivan offers comprehensive market research reports tailored to the Telecom sector, including extensive market forecasts, industry trend analyses, competitive benchmarks, and future growth evaluations. Our reports are meticulously developed by top analysts and researchers, employing a thorough research approach that combines primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered:

Communication & Collaboration Technologies:

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Video Conferencing:
    • Market Analysis: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028), Global Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Meeting Room Solutions: Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
    • User Adoption: 2024 UCC Buyers Perspectives
  • Unified Communications & Collaboration (UCC): Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Unified Communications and Collaboration, 2024
  • Enterprise Telephony: Growth Opportunities in the Enterprise Telephony Market, 2024

Network Infrastructure & Services:

  • 5G Technology:
    • Network Infrastructure: Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024, Global 5G Network Infrastructure Growth Opportunities
    • Enterprise Services: Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Enterprise Wireless Services, 2024
  • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • SD-WAN: Global SD-WAN Infrastructure Industry, 2024
  • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions

Regional Markets:

  • Asia Pacific (APAC):
    • Video Conferencing: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Digital Payments: Growth Opportunities and Trends in the Asia-Pacific Digital Payment Market (to 2027)
    • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions
  • Indonesia: Indonesian Financial Technology Growth Opportunities (to 2028)
  • North America:
    • Mobile Devices & Data: Growth Opportunities in the US Tier I Mobile Device and Data Industry
    • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: North American Network Access Services, 2023
    • Consumer Communication Services: North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023, North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

Industry Reports & Trackers :

  • Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
  • Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024
  • Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • North American Mobile Tracker, Q4 2023
  • Apple Performance Tracker, Q4 2023
  • North America Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023
  • North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 12 Sep 2023  |  Global  |  Technology Research

    Growth Opportunities and Impact of Sensors and Digital Technologies on Building Automation

    The Need to Improve Indoor Air Quality, Occupancy Sensing, and AI and Digital Twin are Driving Building Automation Market Growth.

    Building automation is increasingly relying on sensor technologies and digital services. Buildings use sensors to gather information based on a range of operational and environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, light levels, occupancy, and energy. The information can be utilized to improve building performance in a variety of ways, in...

  2. 05 Nov 2020  |  Asia Pacific  |  Megatrends

    Transformative Mega Trends Reshaping the Indian ICT Landscape

    Helping Businesses Build Their Long-term Technology Strategy

    At present, technology has become a lifeline of almost all individuals and businesses, and organizations, irrespective of their size and shape, are actively embracing different technologies to improve their operational efficiency. Businesses in the present age are seeking advanced forms of technology-backed solutions and tools that help their workf...

  3. This report assesses the 45 global suppliers Stratecast identified as offering Financial Assurance solutions to the global CSP market. The report discusses the importance of each part of the Financial Assurance domain. The directions these three pieces of the overall Financial Assurance market are heading are also explained, along with the reasons ...

  4. 13 Dec 2017  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Stratecast Predictions 2018: The Year Ahead - Digital Transformation is Affecting Everything

    This report captures thoughts from the entire Stratecast analyst team about where the industries we cover are headed in the New Year. Stratecast analysts voice their views concerning the multiple dimensions of the technology sector tied to: big data and analytics, business services, cloud, the connected home, consumer services, the operations & mon...

  5. 28 Nov 2017  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Consumer Communication Services Tracker: Third Quarter 2017 (3Q17)

    The Consumer Communication Services Tracker provides quarterly detailed information for the leading companies in the consumer communication services market for US and Canada. The aggregated data—delivered by country, technology, and company—includes subscriber, revenue, net add(loss), projection, and market share for the Broadband, Video, Voice...

  6. 25 Oct 2017  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Analysis of the Software-Defined WAN Market, 2017

    The SD-WAN market has emerged out of the early adopter stage and entered the growth stage of the product lifecycle. Key factors driving market adoption include: cost savings from efficient usage of private and public networks, ability to optimize hybrid cloud connectivity, and application-aware routing. Below is a summary of key research findings o...

  7. Attempts to build giant collaborative spaces, to encourage interaction among employees, have the effect of interrupting the flow of cognition essential to creative thought. And, while collaboration is optimized, collaborative efforts often can’t compensate for the interruptions that destroy attention. Modern working arrangements are sacrificing i...

  8. 18 Oct 2017  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    2017 Consumer Communication Services Bundle Tracker

    Are Broadband Bundles Enough?

    Stratecast’s 2017 Bundle Tracker apprises the reader of the competitive landscape of leading service providers—which offer home phone, broadband, video and wireless services—in the consumer communication services market; and explores how consumers gauge consumer bundles based on survey results from Stratecast’s 2017 consumer communication s...

  9. 13 Oct 2017  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    The Rise of Managed SD-WAN: Network Service Providers Strategize to Ride the Wave

    The latter half of 2016 and first half of 2017 witnessed a barrage of managed SD-WAN service announcements from NSPs in the US market. Because WAN links are integral to a software-defined hybrid WAN, leading NSPs have added SD-WAN capabilities to their existing hybrid WAN solutions to retain existing customers and tap into upsell opportunities. I...

  10. The Stratecast Operations, Orchestration, Data Analytics & Monetization (ODAM) analyst team has completed its annual assessment of the communications service provider (CSP) monetization. This market is defined by Stratecast to include the key business management functions of: billing mediation, rating & charging, other core billing, and policy mana...
