Malaysia Telecom Market Landscape 2014

Malaysia Telecom Market Landscape 2014

Mobile data services and other emerging services will drive the Malaysian Telecom market

Asia Pacific
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: P835-01-00-00-00
SKU: TE00453-AP-MR_02137
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This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Malaysian Telecom Market with forecasts for the period 2014-2018. The report also provides key industry drivers and restraints. The Malaysian telecom industry experienced significant growth in recent years. Mobile penetration grew from 98.9% in 2008 to 141.2% in 2013, while mobile subscribers grew to 41.9 million at a rate of 54% during the same period. 2013 was a pivotal year for Malaysia’s mobile industry as Maxis lost its market leadership to Celcom. Furthermore, the market saw a decline in voice revenue for the first time. Over-the-top (OTT) applications and value-added services challenged traditional mobile offerings (voice and SMS) and significantly impacted the CSPs business. revenues. In order to grow the overall service revenue and sustain the wallet share from their subscribers, CSPs are exploring new business models such as IoT and Digital Services.

Table of Contents

Key Findings

Mobile Services Market Engineering Measurements

Broadband Services Market Engineering Measurements

CEO’s Perspective

Market Scope

Key Questions This Study Will Answer

Market Definitions

Malaysian Economy Overview

Malaysian Mobile Services Market Overview

Malaysian Broadband Services Market Overview

Market Drivers

Drivers Explained

Drivers Explained (continued)

Market Restraints

Restraints Explained

2014 Forecast

Forecast Assumptions

Forecast Assumptions (continued)

Forecast Assumptions (continued)

Mobile Subscriber Forecast

Mobile Service Revenue Forecast

Voice & Non-Voice Mobile Service Revenue Forecast

Competitive Environment—Mobile Services Market

Five Forces Analysis—Mobile Service providers

SWOT Analysis – Mobile Services Market

SWOT Analysis – Mobile Services Market (continued)

Mobile Subscriber Landscape

Subscriber Net Adds

Mobile Service Revenue & Blended ARPU

Voice Revenue

Blended MoU, ARPM & Voice ARPU

Non-Voice Revenue

Prepaid Vs Postpaid revenues

Device Revenue

Smartphone Penetration

MVNOs in Malaysia

Broadband Subscriber Forecast

Broadband Subscriber Landscape

Broadband Revenue (Key Service Providers)

The Last Word—Predictions

Legal Disclaimer

Market Engineering Methodology

Mobile Services Market Engineering Measurements

Broadband Services Market Engineering Measurements

Learn More—Next Steps

Additional Sources of Information on Malaysia Telecom Market Landscape

List of Companies Included in “Others”

List of Exhibits

List of Exhibits (continued)


Glossary (continued)

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Malaysian Telecom Market with forecasts for the period 2014-2018. The report also provides key industry drivers and restraints. The Malaysian telecom industry experienced significant growth in recent years. Mobile penetration grew from 98.9% in 2008 to 141.2% in 2013, while mobile subscribers grew to 41.9 million at a rate of 54% during the same period. 2013 was a pivotal year for Malaysias mobile industry as Maxis lost its market leadership to Celcom. Furthermore, the market saw a decline in voice revenue for the first time. Over-the-top (OTT) applications and value-added services challenged traditional mobile offerings (voice and SMS) and significantly impacted the CSPs business. revenues. In order to grow the overall service revenue and sustain the wallet share from their subscribers, CSPs are exploring new business models such as IoT and Digital Services.
More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Avinash Sachdeva
Industries Telecom
WIP Number P835-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No