The Global Future of Work—The Future of Workplace Technology

The Global Future of Work—The Future of Workplace Technology

Advancements in Connectivity and AI to Drive Workplace Evolution

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Research Code: NFE7-01-00-00-00
SKU: MX00078-GL-MT_17731
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The Global Future of Work—The Future of Workplace Technology
Published on: 02-Mar-2016 | SKU: MX00078-GL-MT_17731

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The Global Future of Work—The Future of Workplace Technology presents a broad survey of the technologies emerging today that will be critical for work in 2025. Topics include connectivity and convergence trends, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation trends, cognitive computing, the rise of professional service robots, and global cybersecurity trends such as threat-sharing initiatives and the potential shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Snapshots are provided for both developed and developing economies, and sector highlights help visualize how technologies will fit into agricultural, industrial, and service work. The study period is from 2015 to 2025.

Key Findings

Scope of Study—Trend, Economy, and Sector Coverage in the Future Place and Structure of Work

  • Connectivity and Convergence Trends
  • Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Robotics Trends
  • Cyber-security Trends
  • Economy Types
  • Economic Sectors

From Macro-to-micro

List of Definitions

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI)
  • Connectivity and Convergence
  • Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT)
  • Mega Trend

Key Findings

Edge and Fog Computing Will Begin Where the Cloud Ends

2025’s UC&C Will be Virtualized, Customized, and Heavily Integrated

Enhanced Telepresence and Video Conferencing Solutions Will Further Support Virtual Colocation Trends

Beyond Gaming, Virtual Reality’s (VR) Future is in the Workplace

  • The Cloud
  • The Edge and Fog
  • Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing Network, Global, 2015–2020

When Cameras Are On, Augmented Reality (AR) Will be a Predominant User Interface

Social Enterprise Freemiums Will Convert To Paid Subscriptions

  • Telepresence and Video Conferencing Technology Overview, Global, 2015 and 2020

Work Wearables Will Improve Health, Wellness, Safety, and Productivity

Head-to-toe Wearables Will Thrive in 2025’s Enterprise Market

  • Multiple Hardware Options
  • Three Degrees of AR
  • Limitless Applications

Organizations Will Turn Data into Actionable Forecasts

  • Game changer in 2015
  • Why Popularity is Growing

Three Reasons Why B2Bs Should Care about the FinTech Revolution

  • Enterprise Wearables Real and Anticipated Benefits, US and UK, 2015

3D Printing Will Save Time and Resources, with 4D Tech to Come

Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions

  • Prescriptive Data Analytics Model, Global, 2015–2025
  • Case In Point: GATWICK AIRPORT

Key Findings

Key Advances in AI Will Drive Digital, Robotics, and Automation Trends

Digital Personal Assistants Will Take on Enterprise Complexity

Industrial IoT-enabled Autonomous Systems Will Change How Customers and Vendors Interact and the Skills Workers Will Need

The Future of Workplace Robots Depends on Guaranteeing Safety

Industrial and Service Robot Installments Will Show Strong Growth, Given Lower Costs and Greater Performance

Industrial Robots Will Continue Supporting Global Manufacturing Work

The Range of Professional Service Robot Applications Will be Vast

Ease of Use Will Be a Critical Determinant for Collaborative Robots

Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions

Key Findings

Mitigating Cyber Attacks Will Continue Rising in Enterprise Priority

Breach Cost and Public Scrutiny Will Add to Cybersecurity Concerns

Developing Trends Will Redirect Enterprise Security

Blockchain Will Transform Security for Every Industry

Organizations Will Embrace Innovation and Increase Spend

Threat Sharing—The Sum Will be Greater Than its Parts

Nations Will Both Protect the Workplace and Initiate Threats

Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions

Key Findings

Developed Economies Will Reap Greater Rewards from Connectivity

A Deeper Dive—Finland Stands at a Technology Crossroads

Developing Economies Must Increase Their Technological Readiness

A Deeper Dive—China’s Government is Subsidizing its Industrial IoT Development

Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions

Key Findings

Robots, Sensors, Biotech, and 3D Printing Will Ensure High Yields in

the Agricultural Workplace

IoT Technology Will Revolutionize the Industrial Sector

AI, Big Data, and AR Hold the Greatest Promise for the Services Sector

Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions

3 Big Predictions

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Full List of Slide Titles

List of Countries Grouped by Economy Type or Organization

List of Countries Grouped by Region

Full List of Subsectors by Economic Sector

List of Figures
  • 1. UC&C: BY THE NUMBERS,GLOBAL, 2020–2025
  • 2. Total Wearables Market Share Breakdown by Units Shipped, Global, 2020
List of Charts
  • 1. Estimated Installed Users of Enterprise Social Networking, Global, 2015 and 2020
  • 2. Enterprise Internal Social Networking Use for Collaboration by Vertical, North America, 2014
  • 3. Enterprise Wearable’s Use Overview, US, 2015
  • 4. Wearables Overview, Global, 2015*
  • 5. Enterprise Wearables Share Breakdown by Units Shipped, Global, 2018
  • 6. Countries with Significant B2B Marketplace Lending Volumes, Global, 2015
  • 7. 3D Printing Market by Segment, Global, 2025
  • 8. Industrial IoT Overview, Global, 2014
  • 9. Estimated Unit Shipments of Industrial Robots, Global, 2015 and 2020
  • 10. Estimated Units Installed of Professional Service Robots, Global, 2015 and 2020
  • 11. Estimated Operational Industrial Robot Stock by Region, Global, 2015, 2020, 2025
  • 12. Estimated Unit Shipment of Industrial Robots by Industry, Global, 2015 and 2020
  • 13. Reported Security Incidents and Confirmed Data
  • 14. Breaches, Global, 2012, 2013, and 2014
  • 15. Enterprise Information Security Overview, Global, 2014
  • 16. Uptake in US Cybersecurity Insurance versus Per Record Data Breach Cost by Industry, US and Global, 2013, 2014, and 2015
  • 17. Estimated Total Cybersecurity Market by Segment, Global, 2015 and 2020
  • 18. Perceived Future Security Risk by Trend, Global, 2015
  • 19. Projected Cybersecurity Professional Supply and Demand, Global, 2015–2020
  • 20. National Cyberwellness Overview, Global, 2015
  • 21. Top 3 Robot-dense Countries, Global, 2013 and 2014
  • 22. Cyberwellness Overview, Developed Economies*, 2015
  • 23. Operational Industrial Robot Stock, Select Economies, 2015 and 2018
  • 24. Cyberwellness Overview, Developing Economies, 2015
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The Global Future of Work—The Future of Workplace Technology presents a broad survey of the technologies emerging today that will be critical for work in 2025. Topics include connectivity and convergence trends, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation trends, cognitive computing, the rise of professional service robots, and global cybersecurity trends such as threat-sharing initiatives and the potential shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Snapshots are provided for both developed and developing economies, and sector highlights help visualize how technologies will fit into agricultural, industrial, and service work. The study period is from 2015 to 2025.
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Table of Contents | Executive summary~ || Key Findings~ || Scope of Study—Trend, Economy, and Sector Coverage in the Future Place and Structure of Work~ ||| Connectivity and Convergence Trends~ ||| Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Robotics Trends~ ||| Cyber-security Trends~ ||| Economy Types~ ||| Economic Sectors~ | Research Methodology and Key Definitions~ || From Macro-to-micro~ |||| Identify the Mega Trend through brainstorming sessions~ |||| Identify the sub-trend through scenario-building exercises~ |||| Assess the impact of the Mega Trend on a micro level~ |||| Opportunities analysis~ || List of Definitions~ ||| Artificial Intelligence(AI)~ ||| Connectivity and Convergence~ ||| Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT)~ ||| Mega Trend~ || List of Acronyms and Abbreviations~ | Connectivity and Convergence Trends Driving Future Workplace Technology~ || Key Findings~ || Edge and Fog Computing Will Begin Where the Cloud Ends~ ||| The Cloud ~ ||| The Edge and Fog~ ||| Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing Network, Global, 2015–2020~ || 2025’s UC&C Will be Virtualized, Customized, and Heavily Integrated~ || Enhanced Telepresence and Video Conferencing Solutions Will Further Support Virtual Colocation Trends~ ||| Telepresence and Video Conferencing Technology Overview, Global, 2015 and 2020~ || Beyond Gaming, Virtual Reality’s (VR) Future is in the Workplace~ || When Cameras Are On, Augmented Reality (AR) Will be a Predominant User Interface~ ||| Multiple Hardware Options~ ||| Three Degrees of AR~ |||| Augmented reality~ |||| Mixed reality~ |||| Blended reality~ ||| Limitless Applications~ || Social Enterprise Freemiums Will Convert To Paid Subscriptions~ ||| Game changer in 2015~ ||| Why Popularity is Growing~ || Work Wearables Will Improve Health, Wellness, Safety, and Productivity~ ||| Enterprise Wearables Real and Anticipated Benefits, US and UK, 2015~ |||| Health & Wellness~ |||| Efficiency~ |||| Productivity~ |||| Safety~ || Head-to-toe Wearables Will Thrive in 2025’s Enterprise Market~ || Organizations Will Turn Data into Actionable Forecasts~ ||| Prescriptive Data Analytics Model, Global, 2015–2025~ |||| Data Accumulation~ |||| Data Processing~ |||| Forecast Development~ |||| Insight- based Plan~ |||| Data and Model Refinement~ ||| Case In Point: GATWICK AIRPORT~ || Three Reasons Why B2Bs Should Care about the FinTech Revolution~ ||| SME Lending~ ||| B2B Payments~ ||| Employee Insurance~ || 3D Printing Will Save Time and Resources, with 4D Tech to Come~ ||| Cases In Point ~ |||| Rapid Parts Production~ |||| 3D-Printed Construction~ |||| 4D Printing: On the Horizon~ || Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions~ ||| Connectivity and Convergence Trend Implications~ |||| Enterprise Communication~ |||| AR and VR~ |||| Other Emerging Technologies~ | AI, Automation, and Robotics Trends Driving Future of Workplace Technology~ || Key Findings~ || Key Advances in AI Will Drive Digital, Robotics, and Automation Trends~ ||| Areas of AI Advancement, Global, 2015–2025~ |||| Cognitive computing~ |||| Deep learning~ |||| Affective computing~ |||| Natural language processing~ |||| Image and object recognition~ || Digital Personal Assistants Will Take on Enterprise Complexity~ ||| Key Feature Improvements~ ||| Future Enterprise Assistant Capabilities~ ||| Cases In Point~ |||| Internal Compute Continuum~ |||| Smart Customer Service~ || Industrial IoT-enabled Autonomous Systems Will Change How Customers and Vendors Interact and the Skills Workers Will Need~ || The Future of Workplace Robots Depends on Guaranteeing Safety~ ||| Robot Classification by Function~ |||| Industrial~ |||| Service~ ||| Safety Feature by Degree of Contact with Human Workers~ || Industrial and Service Robot Installments Will Show Strong Growth, Given Lower Costs and Greater Performance~ ||| Adoption Outlook ~ ||| Trend Outlook~ || Industrial Robots Will Continue Supporting Global Manufacturing Work~ ||| Potential for Regional Expansion~ ||| Growing Industrial Use~ ||| Growth Drivers~ |||| Globalization~ |||| Customer Demand~ |||| Worker Demand~ |||| Range of Use~ || The Range of Professional Service Robot Applications Will be Vast~ ||| Current and Emerging Service Robot Applications, Global, 2015~ |||| Military~ |||| Agriculture~ |||| Maintenance~ |||| Security and Law Enforcement~ |||| Others~ || Ease of Use Will Be a Critical Determinant for Collaborative Robots~ ||| Key Collaborative Robot Features~ |||| Safety~ |||| Trainability~ |||| Re-tasking~ || Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions~ ||| AI, Automation, and Robotics Trend Implications~ |||| AI~ |||| Industrial IoT~ |||| Automation and Robots~ | Cybersecurity Trends Driving Future Workplace Technology~ || Key Findings~ || Mitigating Cyber Attacks Will Continue Rising in Enterprise Priority~ || Breach Cost and Public Scrutiny Will Add to Cybersecurity Concerns~ || Developing Trends Will Redirect Enterprise Security~ ||| Supporting Points~ || Blockchain Will Transform Security for Every Industry~ ||| Key Blockchain Security Advantages, Global, 2015~ ||| Future Applications Beyond Banking, Global, 2015~ |||| Smart Contracts~ |||| Integrated Services~ |||| Internet Protocol (IP)~ || Organizations Will Embrace Innovation and Increase Spend~ ||| Cybersecurity Innovation~ |||| Cyber immunity~ |||| Behavioural Analysis~ ||| Two Sides of Cybersecurity Spend~ |||| Risk Analysis~ |||| Collateral Damage~ || Threat Sharing—The Sum Will be Greater Than its Parts~ ||| Threat Clearinghouse Developments, Global, 2014 and 2015~ |||| Facebook’s Threat Exchange, Beta Launch 2015~ |||| Global Cyber Alliance, Launch 2015~ |||| Cyber Threat Alliance, Launch 2014~ || Nations Will Both Protect the Workplace and Initiate Threats~ || Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions~ ||| Cybersecurity Trend Implications~ |||| Cybersecurity for Business~ |||| Sharing Threats Across Borders~ |||| National Security Policies~ | Snapshots of Future Workplace Technology in Developed and Developing Economies~ || Key Findings~ || Developed Economies Will Reap Greater Rewards from Connectivity~ || A Deeper Dive—Finland Stands at a Technology Crossroads~ || Developing Economies Must Increase Their Technological Readiness~ || A Deeper Dive—China’s Government is Subsidizing its Industrial IoT Development~ || Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions~ | Sector Scenarios~ || Key Findings~ || Robots, Sensors, Biotech, and 3D Printing Will Ensure High Yields in~ || the Agricultural Workplace~ ||| Emerging Agricultural Technologies, Global, 2015–2025~ |||| Omnidirectional field robots~ |||| Robotic weeding~ |||| Autonomous tractors~ |||| Soil and crop~ |||| Sensors~ |||| Others~ || IoT Technology Will Revolutionize the Industrial Sector~ ||| Emerging Industrial Technologies, Global, 2015–2025~ |||| Wireless sensor networks~ |||| Manufacturing AR systems~ |||| Automated safety Systems~ |||| VR~ |||| Others~ || AI, Big Data, and AR Hold the Greatest Promise for the Services Sector~ ||| Emerging Services Technologies, Global, 2015–2025~ |||| Big Data~ |||| AI~ |||| The IoT~ |||| VR and greater connectivity Speeds~ |||| Others~ || Macro-to-micro—Strategic Recommendations and Predictions~ ||| Sector Scenario Implications~ |||| Agricultural Implications~ |||| Industrial Implications~ |||| Services Implications~ | The Last Word~ || 3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Appendix~ || Full List of Slide Titles~ || List of Countries Grouped by Economy Type or Organization~ || List of Countries Grouped by Region~ || Full List of Subsectors by Economic Sector~
List of Charts and Figures 1. UC&C: BY THE NUMBERS,GLOBAL, 2020–2025~ 2. Total Wearables Market Share Breakdown by Units Shipped, Global, 2020~ 3. 3D PRINTING: BY THE NUMBERS, GLOBAL 2014–2030~| 1. Estimated Installed Users of Enterprise Social Networking, Global, 2015 and 2020~ 2. Enterprise Internal Social Networking Use for Collaboration by Vertical, North America, 2014~ 3. Enterprise Wearable’s Use Overview, US, 2015~ 4. Wearables Overview, Global, 2015*~ 5. Enterprise Wearables Share Breakdown by Units Shipped, Global, 2018~ 6. Countries with Significant B2B Marketplace Lending Volumes, Global, 2015~ 7. 3D Printing Market by Segment, Global, 2025~ 8. Industrial IoT Overview, Global, 2014~ 9. Estimated Unit Shipments of Industrial Robots, Global, 2015 and 2020~ 10. Estimated Units Installed of Professional Service Robots, Global, 2015 and 2020~ 11. Estimated Operational Industrial Robot Stock by Region, Global, 2015, 2020, 2025~ 12. Estimated Unit Shipment of Industrial Robots by Industry, Global, 2015 and 2020~ 13. Reported Security Incidents and Confirmed Data~ 14. Breaches, Global, 2012, 2013, and 2014~ 15. Enterprise Information Security Overview, Global, 2014~ 16. Uptake in US Cybersecurity Insurance versus Per Record Data Breach Cost by Industry, US and Global, 2013, 2014, and 2015~ 17. Estimated Total Cybersecurity Market by Segment, Global, 2015 and 2020~ 18. Perceived Future Security Risk by Trend, Global, 2015~ 19. Projected Cybersecurity Professional Supply and Demand, Global, 2015–2020~ 20. National Cyberwellness Overview, Global, 2015~ 21. Top 3 Robot-dense Countries, Global, 2013 and 2014~ 22. Cyberwellness Overview, Developed Economies*, 2015~ 23. Operational Industrial Robot Stock, Select Economies, 2015 and 2018~ 24. Cyberwellness Overview, Developing Economies, 2015~
Industries Aerospace, Defence and Security
WIP Number NFE7-01-00-00-00
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