A Product and Pipeline Analysis of the Global Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antiviral Market

A Product and Pipeline Analysis of the Global Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antiviral Market

All-oral Regimens Revolutionize the Market

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: NE16-01-00-00-00
SKU: LS00128-NA-MR_16969
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This research service focuses on antiviral therapeutics for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). A global product and pipeline assessment is provided for marketed and investigational products and combination regimens for the treatment of HCV. Segmentation by drug class is provided, along with supporting information such as clinical trial timelines and results, key market developments, historical and projected launch timelines, and epidemiology. The information contained in this research was derived from published sources, including disease organizations; public health organizations; company publications including annual reports, SEC filings, and press releases; government public sources; and articles in scientific journals.

Table of Contents

Key Market Developments Since Q1 2013

Key Findings

Evolution of Standard of Care for HCV

Key Companies to Watch

Methodology and Scope

HCV Overview

Global Prevalence of Chronic HCV Infection by Region

Global HCV Genotype Distribution and Relative Prevalence

HCV Antiviral Market—Segmentation

HCV Antiviral Market—Segmentation (continued)

Competitive Landscape—Marketed Products and Products in Development

Competitive Landscape—All-oral Regimens Late Stage Clinical Data

Competitive Landscape—Projected Launch Timeline for Oral Regimens

Competitive Landscape—Major Phase 3 Trials for All-oral Regimens

Competitive Landscape—Major Phase 3 Trials for All-oral Regimens (continued)

Competitive Landscape—Late Stage Assets by Company and Class

Marketed Products Synopsis—Standard of Care

Marketed Products Synopsis—Add-on to Standard of Care

Marketed Products Synopsis—Global Introduction by Region

Marketed Products Synopsis—Global Introduction by Region (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—All-oral Regimens in Clinical Development

Pipeline Synopsis—All-oral Regimens in Clinical Development (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—All-oral Regimens in Clinical Development (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Late Stage Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Early Clinical Development Landscape

Pipeline Synopsis—Early Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Pipeline Synopsis—Early Clinical Development Landscape (continued)

Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations (continued)

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This research service focuses on antiviral therapeutics for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). A global product and pipeline assessment is provided for marketed and investigational products and combination regimens for the treatment of HCV. Segmentation by drug class is provided, along with supporting information such as clinical trial timelines and results, key market developments, historical and projected launch timelines, and epidemiology. The information contained in this research was derived from published sources, including disease organizations; public health organizations; company publications including annual reports, SEC filings, and press releases; government public sources; and articles in scientific journals.
More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index Yes
Podcast No
Author Randy Budros
WIP Number NE16-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No