Global Graphene Market, Forecast to 2025

Global Graphene Market, Forecast to 2025

Evaluating Contextual Market Potential Critical for Maximising Growth in Supercapacitor, Battery, Water Filtration, DNA Sequencing, Composite Strength

Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: 9AB4-00-1A-00-00
SKU: CM01492-EU-MR_20950
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The potential applications and growth potential for graphene are often described as limitless. However, this is practically untrue. This study takes a realistic approach to understanding the applications of graphene and how graphene can be compared to the more mature as well as more nascent technologies. A more accurate forecast is possible by including a competitive technology analysis in the model. The primary focus of this study is to provide CEOs, managers, innovators, and investors with more information on which market segments are the most promising and profitable for graphene. Time, money, and research efforts should be directed towards these particular applications to expedite the growth of the graphene market, potentially making it a billion-dollar market by 2025.

The study includes an in-depth discussion on the best applications of graphene. There are many possible applications that use a subset of these properties. Potential electronic applications include energy storage, biomedical sensors, transparent and flexible electrodes, and transistors. Potential mechanical applications include composite strengthening, sound transducers, biomolecular filters, water purification, and water desalination. With each of these applications, there are competing technologies that dampen the potential use for graphene. Main competitors include graphite, activated carbon, metal nanowires, two-dimensional inorganic analogues such as transition metal dichalcogenides, carbon nanotubes, and carbon fibre. In certain applications such as strong, lightweight composites, graphene can outperform these alternative technologies. However, it is important to note that this is only true for certain types of graphene.

The limitations of graphene as well as its alternatives are highlighted in the study to determine the ideal graphene-only applications. Knowledge on the drivers and restraints for the graphene industry is needed to accurately forecast its growth. Drivers of the graphene industry as a whole include government research and development funding, push for material lightweighting for improved fuel efficiency in automotives, improvements in high-quality graphene production, increase in the production of application-specific graphene, and the increasing need for high-quality batteries. Restraints for the graphene industry include competitive technologies, current limitations in the supply of application-specific graphene, processing limitations, and a largely fragmented market.

Opportunities for graphene lie in capitalising on the drivers by focussing on the growing applications and addressing the restraints such as current production limitations. Several companies are commercialising graphene in these industries. Key players are establishing the graphene market and incrementally improving performance by either adding graphene to the currently used material or replacing the current material with a graphene composite. The first large commercial successes of graphene are likely to be in applications that make use of the mechanical properties. This parallels the use of other wonder materials such as carbon nanotubes. Production of graphene tailored to the most promising applications will lead to the development of products that outperform alternative technologies to the extent of supplanting them.

Another thing to note when discussing the graphene industry is that it is not the only two-dimensional material of interest. The development of inorganic analogues of graphene may disrupt many of the electronic applications, as graphene is not intrinsically a semiconductor. However, graphene hybrids, either with other nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes or with inorganic two-dimensional materials, look promising for many of these applications including sensors, transistors and spintronics. In view of of how previously discovered advanced materials have been developed and how current alternatives compare with graphene, the study determines how quickly the graphene market can grow and where this growth will occur.

Table of Contents

Key Findings

Key Findings (continued)

Key Questions this Study will Answer

Graphene—An Introduction

Why the Excitement

Graphene—Immediate Impact

Graphene Industry

Graphene Production—Reduced Graphene Oxide

Graphene Production—Synthetic Graphene

Graphene Production Comparison

Graphene Producers

Graphene Producer Highlights

Graphene Production Outlook

Several Wonder Materials

Several Wonder Materials (continued)

Wonder Material Market—Positive and Negative Growth Influencers

Uniqueness of Graphene

Unique Properties of Graphene—Large Applications

Unique Properties of Graphene—Strong, Light Composites

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Unique Properties of Graphene—Biomedical Sensors

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Unique Properties of Graphene—Filters

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Unique Properties of Graphene—DNA Sequencing

Unique Properties of Graphene—Transparent Electrodes

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Unique Properties of Graphene—Energy Storage

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Unique Properties of Graphene—Transistors

Comparison with Other Advanced Materials

Product/Service Life Cycle Analysis

High Cost of High-quality Graphene

Fragmented Market

Processing Limitations

Competition from Other Advanced Materials

Market Drivers

Market Restraints

Impact Mapping of Drivers and Restraints

Graphene Aerogels and Foams—Lightweighting

Graphene Audio Drivers

Graphene Filter Membranes

Graphene for 3D Printed Electronics

Graphene-based Biosensors

Graphene for Energy Storage

Carbon Nanotubes

Inorganic 2D Materials

How Graphene Compares in the Market

Nascent State of the Graphene Market

Subpar Stock Performance for Graphene Producers

Growth of the Graphene Market

Growth of the Graphene Market (continued)

Revenue Forecast

Percent Revenue by Segment

Transformation in the Graphene Industry Ecosystem—2017

Growth Opportunity 1—Lighter, Smaller Energy Storage

Growth Opportunity 2—Ultra-lightweight Composites

Competitive Forces for Graphene Companies

Property to Application Summary

Property to Application Summary (continued)

Property to Application Summary (continued)

Application Comparison

Strategic Imperatives for Growth—Graphene Market

The Last Word—Future of Graphene

The Last Word—3 Big Predictions

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The potential applications and growth potential for graphene are often described as limitless. However, this is practically untrue. This study takes a realistic approach to understanding the applications of graphene and how graphene can be compared to the more mature as well as more nascent technologies. A more accurate forecast is possible by including a competitive technology analysis in the model. The primary focus of this study is to provide CEOs, managers, innovators, and investors with more information on which market segments are the most promising and profitable for graphene. Time, money, and research efforts should be directed towards these particular applications to expedite the growth of the graphene market, potentially making it a billion-dollar market by 2025. The study includes an in-depth discussion on the best applications of graphene. There are many possible applications that use a subset of these properties. Potential electronic applications include energy storage, biomedical sensors, transparent and flexible electrodes, and transistors. Potential mechanical applications include composite strengthening, sound transducers, biomolecular filters, water purification, and water desalination. With each of these applications, there are competing technologies that dampen the potential use for graphene. Main competitors include graphite, activated carbon, metal nanowires, two-dimensional inorganic analogues such as transition metal dichalcogenides, carbon nanotubes, and carbon fibre. In certain applications such as strong, lightweight composites, graphene can outperform these alternative technologies. However, it is important to note that this is only true for certain types of graphene. The limitations of graphene as well as its alternatives are highlighted in the study to determine the ideal graphene-only applications. Knowledge on the drivers and restraints for the graphene industry is needed to accurately forecast its growth. Drivers of the graphene i
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Ranulfo Allen
Industries Chemicals and Materials
WIP Number 9AB4-00-1A-00-00
Is Prebook No