Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 26 May 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Future of the Smart Grid Industry

    The Global Smart Grid Industry will Reach $112.7 Billion in 2025 growing at 6.2%

    Global smart grid investment is likely to grow rapidly. By 2025, a complete transformation to a smarter grid is unlikely but the process would have gained pace with major changes underway in grid automation, demand-side management, and Big Data analytics. Revenue growth will be the fastest in Europe. Demand response and advanced metering infrastruc...

  2. 20 Jan 2014  |  Africa  |  Tracker

    Power Infrastructure Tracker in East Africa

    Large Investment and Infrastructure Development to Drive Diversification of Energy Mix

    This study analyses the power infrastructure sector in East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and covers electricity generation, transmission and distribution. East Africa has the lowest access to electrical power and smallest per capita generation, as compared to the other regions in the African continent. The demand for elec...

  3. 29 Oct 2013  |  Asia Pacific  |  Tracker

    Southeast Asia Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Brand Preferences

    Assessing the Customer Preference for Low Voltage Product Brands in Four Southeast Asian Countries

    Products covered in the study are low voltage circuit breakers, contactors, disconnectors and relays. End-user brand preference of various brands are analyzed in detail for sectors such as residential, commercial complexes, hospitals, hotels, datacenters and telecom sector.

  4. 20 Sep 2012  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    The U.S. Debt Downgrade and GCC Currencies: Is the Exchange Rate Peg to the U.S. Dollar Sustainable?


    The United States is a major security and military partner of the GCC. Between 2000 and 2010, the diversification trends among the GCC economies helped to promote bilateral trade with the United States in areas such as crude oil and natural gas production, exploration, construction, and financial services. The long-term cyclical correlation between...

  5. 28 Aug 2012  |  Asia Pacific  |  Economic and Databases

    Will Russian Accession to the WTO Affect Global Trade and Investment?


    Russia has long awaited the outcome of its accession process. The implications of accession will have both a positive and negative impact on Russia and its trade partners. The major consensus of this analysis, however, points to important long-term gains that are evident to the Russian economy and certain opportunities that accession will give trad...

  6. 05 Jul 2012  |  Asia Pacific  |  Economic and Databases

    Delhi Declares: An Economic Insight into the Fourth BRICS Summit


    Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have grouped themselves as a bloc and have met at the BRICS Summits since 2009. The Fourth Summit held in 2012 in New Delhi was perhaps the most important meeting of the bloc for 2012. The Summit came up with declarations aimed at strengthening and insulating the member countries from the global economi...

  7. 03 Apr 2012  |  Global  |  Economic and Databases

    Decision Support Database - Power Equipment



  8. 06 Jan 2012  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Economic and Databases

    Economic 360 for the UAE: Growth Prospects and Emerging Opportunities in the Energy Industry

    The UAE's Energy Industry: Hydrocarbon Dominance to Gradually Make Way for Renewable Energy

    The energy industry in the UAE is highly dependent on the hydrocarbon sector. Most of the electricity is generated using natural gas and the rest through other fossil fuels. The demand for oil and gas is envisaged to rise steadily driven by the increase in the demand for electricity during the forecast period. The government is likely to make inves...

  9. 23 Nov 2011  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Economic and Databases

    GCC Economies: Oil Dependence to Economic Diversification


    The Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) economies have been heavily dependent on the hydrocarbon sector, which accounts for a large part of their export earnings and government revenue. However, the GCC nations are striving to diversify and reduce the risks that stem from their economic dependence on the oil and gas sectors, which, although lucrative, ...

  10. 18 Oct 2011  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Economic and Databases

    Qatars Economic Growth Fuelled by Liquefied Natural Gas


    The expansion of LNG trains in 2011 by the major LNG producers in Qatar (Ras Gas and Qatar gas) has increased the production and export capacity of LNG. Increase in the world's demand for LNG and various long term contracts signed by the country to supply LNG are expected to drive the economic growth of Qatar in 2011 and beyond. Investments have be...
