Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 13 Jul 2018  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    IPP, Licensing and Market Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Energy Landscape, 2018

    Growing Need for a Dynamic Energy Mix and the Demand for Private Investment will Create New Opportunities for Independent Power Producers

    The access to electricity in Africa is well below the global average, presenting a significant opportunity for the development of the energy supply industry, largely in the form of private sector investments in electricity generation. Many African governments are under immense pressure to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supplied ...

  2. 14 Jul 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Overview of South Africa's Updated Integrated Resource Plan Released for Public Comment

    Scenario Planning for South Africa's Electricity Generation Capacity

    The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is South Africas master plan for new electricity generation capacity. The Integrated Resource Plan was developed by South Africa's Department of Energy (DoE) and the document sets out the projected demand for electricity in South Africa and then addresses how this demand is going to be met, in terms of electricit...

  3. 13 Mar 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The Renewable Energy Services Market and its Potential in South Africa

    Finding Pragmatic Solutions to Investor Questions

    The South African renewable energy services market is in a nascent phase when compared to markets such as Spain, the United States, Germany, Australia, and other developed countries. This research service focuses on the job creation potential for the South African renewable energy services market. Because the market is still in the developmental st...

  4. 17 Jan 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Annual State of the South African Electricity Industry 2012

    Strategic Insight into a Rapidly Changing Market

    The South African electricity industry is currently poised to enter a period of reform, particularly as discussions commence regarding the implementation of an Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO), which would take the transmission, distribution, system operator, and several other functions outside of Eskom. The country needs significant n...

  5. 21 Nov 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The African Gas Turbine Market

    Redefining Africa's Power Generation Mix

    The energy and power systems (EPS) business unit within Frost & Sullivan constantly monitors global gas turbine markets. This research service provides a concise analysis of the current state of the African gas turbine market and focuses solely on large gas turbines with a power rating of 60 MW and above. This market analysis provides a concise ove...

  6. 04 Oct 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The Market for Power Station Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) in Key African Countries

    Aging Facilities and New Builds will Drive Growth

    The Energy and Power Systems (EPS) business unit within Frost & Sullivan constantly monitors global maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) markets within the energy and power industry. This research service provides a concise analysis of the current state of the power plant maintenance, repair, and overhaul markets in South Africa, Nigeria, and Za...

  7. 22 Jul 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    South Africa Renewable Energy Project Tracker

    Establishing a Sustainable Renewable Energy Market in South Africa

    South Africa has a high level renewable energy (RE) potential available. As stipulated in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 20102030, 3,725 MW must be generated from RE sources in South Africa. The Renewable Energy Independent Power Purchase Procurement Programme (REIPPP) was introduced to contribute towards the target of 3,725 MW. After delays o...

  8. 03 Jul 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Investment Plans for Power Utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Increased Investment in Power Networks to Boost Economic Growth Potential

    This study highlights targets and projects that are being planned and implemented by key power utilities in five Sub-Saharan African countries, namely, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia. The research service also discusses the key challenges faced by the industry in each country with respect to increasing capacity and electricity tariffs, ...

  9. 07 May 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Utility-scale Wind Turbine Technology Options and Pricing in Africa

    Increasing Efficiencies and Declining Investment Costs

    The research service, titled 'Utility-scale Wind turbine Technology Options and Pricing in Africa,' gives the reader an overview of the various wind turbine technology options available from several of the largest international wind turbine suppliers, as well as the applicability of these wind turbines to various wind conditions, defined by the IEC...

  10. 18 Apr 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Sub-Saharan African Power Plant Construction Market

    The Power Industry Expands in Africa

    The African power construction markets are rapidly expanding as a result of renewed energy infrastructure spending in Africa. This research service maps a strategic analysis of key projects currently underway in Sub-Sahara Africa as well as recently completed projects (2006-present). It further highlights the planned projects. It also supplies inte...
