Telecom Market Research Reports

The global Telecom market is undergoing significant changes. The deployment of 5G technology, the surge in IoT device connectivity, and the increasing use of sophisticated communication technologies are reshaping the industry. To stay ahead and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses require access to current market research and insights.

Frost & Sullivan offers comprehensive market research reports tailored to the Telecom sector, including extensive market forecasts, industry trend analyses, competitive benchmarks, and future growth evaluations. Our reports are meticulously developed by top analysts and researchers, employing a thorough research approach that combines primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered:

Communication & Collaboration Technologies:

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Video Conferencing:
    • Market Analysis: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028), Global Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Meeting Room Solutions: Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
    • User Adoption: 2024 UCC Buyers Perspectives
  • Unified Communications & Collaboration (UCC): Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Unified Communications and Collaboration, 2024
  • Enterprise Telephony: Growth Opportunities in the Enterprise Telephony Market, 2024

Network Infrastructure & Services:

  • 5G Technology:
    • Network Infrastructure: Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024, Global 5G Network Infrastructure Growth Opportunities
    • Enterprise Services: Top 10 Growth Opportunities in Enterprise Wireless Services, 2024
  • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • SD-WAN: Global SD-WAN Infrastructure Industry, 2024
  • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions

Regional Markets:

  • Asia Pacific (APAC):
    • Video Conferencing: APAC Video Conferencing Devices Market (to 2028)
    • Digital Payments: Growth Opportunities and Trends in the Asia-Pacific Digital Payment Market (to 2027)
    • Private Wireless Networks: Growth Opportunities in APAC Private Wireless Network Solutions
  • Indonesia: Indonesian Financial Technology Growth Opportunities (to 2028)
  • North America:
    • Mobile Devices & Data: Growth Opportunities in the US Tier I Mobile Device and Data Industry
    • Network Access Services: Voice of Customer: North American Network Access Services, 2023
    • Consumer Communication Services: North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023, North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

Industry Reports & Trackers :

  • Frost Radar: Cloud-Connected Calling Enablement, 2024
  • Frost Radar: Meeting Room Video Conferencing Devices, 2024
  • Frost Radar: 5G Network Infrastructure, 2024
  • Voice of Customer: Global Enterprise Network Access Services, North American Network Access Services, 2023
  • North American Mobile Tracker, Q4 2023
  • Apple Performance Tracker, Q4 2023
  • North America Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q3 2023
  • North American Consumer Communication Services Tracker, Q4 2023

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 04 Oct 2016  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    Navigating an Era of Digital Transformation in United States

    A Customer Perspective

    This study is derived from a survey of IT decision makers around the world across multiple industries. It provides insightful information on what drives investment in IT solutions, the IT-related challenges that organizations face today, and most importantly, plans for IT budgets. Technologies covered include Enterprise Mobility Management, Social ...

  2. 24 Aug 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Satellite IoT Market Analysis

    Vertical Markets Drive Growth Opportunities

    Although satellite will play a smaller role than cellular in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry, it will be an irreplaceable role. While cellular networks cover the majority of the points of presence (POPs) on the planet, remote locations and under-served locations will always remain. Satellite is currently the only technology that can quickly a...

  3. 15 Jun 2016  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global Satellite Transponder Market

    Demand for Ka-Band Performance Continues to Drives Growth Opportunities

    Although Ka-Band demand is on the rise, Ku-Band will continue to be the most relied upon technology for satellite transponder leasing in the near term because of the high costs to upgrade. Ka-Band, however, represents a significant growth opportunity for new high-bandwidth applications such as maritime broadband and in-flight communications that re...

  4. 01 Jun 2016  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    CACAR Telecomunications Services Market

    Internet Connectivity and Mobility Drive Market Growth

    This study includes market sizing and forecasts for key services in the Central America and Caribbean (CACAR) telecom market, including mobile telephony, fixed broadband, and data communications. Market share analysis for the total market is presented, including the fixed telephony and Pay TV segments. Additionally, qualitative analysis on drivers ...

  5. 19 May 2016  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Commercial Satellite Broadband Market

    Ka-Band Drives New Growth Opportunities

    The commercial satellite broadband market is growing at a strong pace, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2015 to 2022. With the continued adoption of Ka-band technology throughout the industry, satellite broadband can now meet or exceed many landline networks in performance and quality of service. This report inclu...

  6. 02 May 2016  |  North America  |  Tracker

    Terrestrial Network Tracker, Q1 2014–Q3 2015

    Evolving Landline and Mobile Terrestrial Networks to Drive Revenues by Bridging Connectivity Gaps in Underserved Areas

    Regions around the world have varyling levels of terrestrial communication coverage and service, resulting in varying degrees of connectivity for both populated and remote locations. Thus, globally, many users remain unserved or underserved by terrestrial technologies. This leads to distinct growth opportunities for satellite services which can br...

  7. 30 Dec 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the US Government Commercial Satellite Market

    Government Spending Remains Strong Despite Decreased Military Activity

    Although the United States is spending less on military activities, spending on satellite communications continues to increase at a steady rate. This is due to the continued need to retain communications, operate UAVs, and monitor locations on a global level. Additionally, the US government continues to use more satellite bandwidth within North Ame...

  8. 11 Dec 2015  |  North America  |  Tracker

    Terrestrial Communications Market

    Satellite Services Bridge the Gaps Present in Wireline and Cellular Networks

    Terrestrial, landline, and cellular communication services have varying levels of points of presence (POPs) or population coverage for any individual region or country. This leaves some portion of the region unserved or underserved by terrestrial communications, which in-turn leaves potential for satellite services which can bridge the gaps and re...

  9. 30 Sep 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    An Insight into Terrestrial Communications

    Regional Trends and Metrics

    Mobile connections have surpassed fixed/land line connections in a relatively short amount of time (less than a decade). Mobile connections continue to increase, not just from users which did not previously have a cellular device, but users now adopting multiple devices. Additionally, users with fixed communications may be likely to switch to mob...

  10. 03 Aug 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Satellite Transponders Market

    Ka-Band Technology Continues to Drive New Applications

    The satellite transponders market continues to grow in capability and coverage as Ku- and Ka-band frequencies continue to drive growth in terms of new subscribers and subscriber upgrades. These technologies are also driving new applications and use cases, as satellite communications are now capable of rivaling DSL broadband technology in performan...
