North American Class 4–8 Commercial Vehicle Wheel End Brake Components Aftermarket

North American Class 4–8 Commercial Vehicle Wheel End Brake Components Aftermarket

Wheel End Brake Components to Generate Strong Revenue

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: NC01-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU01221-NA-MR_17601
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The North American class 4–8 commercial vehicle wheel end brake components aftermarket is a mature market undergoing shifts in its competitive landscape. Domestic manufacturers face intense competition and pricing pressure from off-shore manufacturers/sourcing, eroding the market shares of top competitors. The recent economic volatility combined with an average truck population close to 10 years old and high price sensitivity of consumers contribute to the proliferation of low-cost foreign imports. The forecast period is 2012–2019, and primary and secondary research was used to determine the total size, revenue, competitive market shares, and impact of off-shore imports in the wheel end brake component aftermarket.

Table of Contents


  • Research Team and Contents

Executive Summary

  • Executive Summary and Implications

Research Scope Objectives Methodology and Background

  • Scope Objective Background and Methodology

Definitions and Segmentation

  • System Segmentation System Definitions and Vehicle Segmentation

Market Overview

  • Overview

Total Market

  • Market Dynamics

Class 4–8 Brake Drum Aftermarket

  • Overview

Class 4–8 Brake Rotor Aftermarket

  • Overview

Class 4–8 Brake Caliper Aftermarket

  • Overview

Class 4–8 Wheel Hub Aftermarket

  • Overview

Conclusions and Future Outlook

  • Conclusions and Future Outlook


  • Additional Information

Key Company Profiles

  • Profile of Key Companies

Growth dialog™

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The North American class 4–8 commercial vehicle wheel end brake components aftermarket is a mature market undergoing shifts in its competitive landscape. Domestic manufacturers face intense competition and pricing pressure from off-shore manufacturers/sourcing, eroding the market shares of top competitors. The recent economic volatility combined with an average truck population close to 10 years old and high price sensitivity of consumers contribute to the proliferation of low-cost foreign imports. The forecast period is 2012–2019, and primary and secondary research was used to determine the total size, revenue, competitive market shares, and impact of off-shore imports in the wheel end brake component aftermarket.
More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Wallace Lau
Industries Automotive
WIP Number NC01-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No