Global Market Analysis of Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Global Market Analysis of Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: M12D-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU00581-NA-MR_09181
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This study is focused to analyze the global market for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. The key drivers and restraints to the market, supplier portfolios, technology roadmaps, infrastructure and a market analysis has been dealt in detail. The study also highlights the key factors influencing these future technologies to reality. An analysis of the OEMs, suppliers and associations strategies and worldwide activities with respect to the plug in market has been discussed.

Table of Contents

Market Overview

  • Introduction and Market Overview
  • Technology Roadmap for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Market Size and Forecasts

  • Market Breakdown by Region
  • Market Breakdown by OEM

Competitive Analyses

  • Comparative Analysis of Key Manufacturers of PHEVs
  • Competitive Analysis of Key System and Component Suppliers

Strategic Market Analysis for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  • Strategy and Opportunity Analysis of Key OEMs
  • Scenario Analysis

Strategic Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Strategic Conclusions and Recommendations

Market Overview and Definition

Market Drivers and Restraints

Total Market Size for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Comparative Technology Analysis

Competitive Analysis of Key System and Component Suppliers

  • Market Overview
  • Definition of Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Scenario Analysis

  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints

Automotive Aftermarket Analysis for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  • Market Breakdown by Region
  • Market Breakdown by OEM
  • Market Breakdown by Vehicle Segments

Electric Recharging Infrastructure

  • Comparative Analysis based on Engine and Motor Sizes
  • Cost Comparison of different Components in Hybrid Vehicles

End User Plug in Hybrid Concerns

  • Competitive Analysis of Key System and Component Suppliers

Strategic Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Scenario Analysis for Plug in Hybrids


Daimler Chrysler

Fiat Group

Ford Group

General Motors


PSA Group

Renault Nissan

Toyota Group

Volkswagen Group

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This study is focused to analyze the global market for Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. The key drivers and restraints to the market, supplier portfolios, technology roadmaps, infrastructure and a market analysis has been dealt in detail. The study also highlights the key factors influencing these future technologies to reality. An analysis of the OEMs, suppliers and associations strategies and worldwide activities with respect to the plug in market has been discussed.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index Yes
Podcast No
Industries Automotive
WIP Number M12D-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No