Energy Market Research Reports

The global Energy industry is in the midst of an unprecedented evolution. The expansion of renewable energy sources, advancements in smart grid technologies, and the rising adoption of energy storage solutions are driving rapid shifts in the market. Businesses must stay informed with the latest market research and insights to stay ahead and capitalize on new opportunities.

Frost & Sullivan’s market research reports, customized for the Energy sector, provide in-depth market forecasts, trend analyses, competitive benchmarking, and growth opportunity insights. Our reports are developed by expert analysts and researchers, leveraging a comprehensive research methodology that integrates primary and secondary data sources....

Key Topics Covered:

  • Renewable Energy & Generation:
    • Solar Energy: Growth in global solar PV, advancements in thin film & bifacial solar cells, flexible solar cell technology
    • Wind Energy: Growth opportunities in wind power, advancements in next-generation wind energy systems
    • Wave & Tidal Energy: Breakthroughs in wave and tidal renewable energy generation
    • Hydrogen Production: Innovation and growth for methane pyrolysis-based hydrogen production
  • Energy Storage:
    • Battery Storage: Growth in global stationary lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries, emerging sodium-ion battery innovations
    • Mechanical Energy Storage: Breakthrough advancements in mechanical energy storage technologies
  • Grid Management & Infrastructure:
    • Global Grid Equipment: Growth opportunities for equipment to integrate renewable energy and modernize grids
    • Disruptive Technologies for Power-to-X: Exploring technologies converting renewable electricity into other energy forms
    • Digital Grid Technologies: Advancements in digital twin technology and the Digital Grid Country Attractiveness Index
    • Industrial Electrification: Shifting industrial processes from fossil fuels to electricity
  • Regional Energy Outlooks:
    • Europe: European Power & Energy Outlook and Growth Opportunities, 2024
    • MENA: MENA Power and Energy Outlook and Growth Opportunities, 2024
    • North America: North American Power & Energy Outlook (2024 & 2023)
    • Asia-Pacific: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Outlook 2024
    • Latin America: Latin American Power & Energy Outlook, 2024
  • Other Key Areas:
    • Carbon Capture: Growth opportunities in the direct air carbon capture industry
    • Emissions Management: Growth opportunities for technologies in the oil and gas sector
    • Data Center Cooling: Growth opportunities for efficient cooling technologies
    • Global UPS Market: Growth opportunities in the global Uninterruptible Power Supply market
    • Oil & Gas Industry: Outlook (2024), automation growth opportunities, service company adaptation to the energy transition
    • Commercial Heat Pumps: Growth opportunities for global commercial heat pumps

For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.

  1. 20 May 2015  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Mozambican Gas Sector: Major Opportunities Across Multiple Industries

    Mozambique's Potential to Become the Qatar of Africa

    Offshore natural gas discoveries made in Mozambique since 2010 have propelled the country as a new investment destination in sub-Saharan Africa. By exploiting these resources, Mozambique could become the third-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas in the next decade. However, conditions need to be met before this change can happen and benefit t...

  2. 24 Feb 2015  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Diesel Generator (Genset) Market in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania

    Burgeoning Gas Industry Threatens Genset Growth

    The current demand for electricity far outstrips supply causing frequent blackouts in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, yet significant increases in demand are expected during the forecast period. Consequently, major potential exists to sell diesel generators in East Africa. However, the exploitation of recent gas field finds is expected to significantl...

  3. 05 Sep 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Residential Energy Efficiency in South Africa

    Governmental Support and Incentives are Key to Promote the Use of Energy Efficient Technology

    Energy efficiency represents an economically attractive option of managing power demand via interventions across all sectors. Although the South African government has made important strides in implementing energy-efficiency initiatives, the countrys energy-efficiency landscape is still in its infancy stage. This research service focuses on the cu...

  4. 21 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African Electricity IndustryISMO and the Road to Reform

    The First Step Towards the End of Eskom's Monopoly

    Opening up the power generation sector to independent power producers is imperative as Eskom has shown some of its limits, such as severe funding shortfall, an extremely tight power system, and new-build projects being continuously delayed while power demand shoots. The dominant position of Eskom in power generation, transmission, and distribution ...

  5. 18 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Large-scale Power Rental Market in Sub-Saharan Africa

    A Promising Economic Outlook is Set to Fuel Projects in Nigeria and Kenya

    Sub-Saharan Africa offers many opportunities for the large-scale power rental market (greater than 1 MW). Power infrastructure in the region is ageing, but is also largely underdeveloped due to decades of underinvestment. This is reflected in a low electrification rate, which is only around 31.8% for the entire region. Research was carried out by l...

  6. 05 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    East African Transmission and Distribution Industry

    Oil Discoveries Increase Investment and Consequently T&D Growth

    This research service provides a high-level analysis of the East African transmission and distribution (T&D) industry, focusing on the top 3 countries: Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. The base year for the study is 2013, and forecasts for the industry are provided from 2014 to 2019. The study provides insights into the current state of the T&D market ...

  7. 14 Jul 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Overview of South Africa's Updated Integrated Resource Plan Released for Public Comment

    Scenario Planning for South Africa's Electricity Generation Capacity

    The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is South Africas master plan for new electricity generation capacity. The Integrated Resource Plan was developed by South Africa's Department of Energy (DoE) and the document sets out the projected demand for electricity in South Africa and then addresses how this demand is going to be met, in terms of electricit...

  8. 13 Mar 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The Renewable Energy Services Market and its Potential in South Africa

    Finding Pragmatic Solutions to Investor Questions

    The South African renewable energy services market is in a nascent phase when compared to markets such as Spain, the United States, Germany, Australia, and other developed countries. This research service focuses on the job creation potential for the South African renewable energy services market. Because the market is still in the developmental st...

  9. 20 Jan 2014  |  Africa  |  Tracker

    Power Infrastructure Tracker in East Africa

    Large Investment and Infrastructure Development to Drive Diversification of Energy Mix

    This study analyses the power infrastructure sector in East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and covers electricity generation, transmission and distribution. East Africa has the lowest access to electrical power and smallest per capita generation, as compared to the other regions in the African continent. The demand for elec...

  10. 17 Jan 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Annual State of the South African Electricity Industry 2012

    Strategic Insight into a Rapidly Changing Market

    The South African electricity industry is currently poised to enter a period of reform, particularly as discussions commence regarding the implementation of an Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO), which would take the transmission, distribution, system operator, and several other functions outside of Eskom. The country needs significant n...
