North American Connected Home Water Management Market, Forecast to 2023

EnvironmentNorth American Connected Home Water Management Market, Forecast to 2023

Early-stage Growth Market Offering Pioneers the Ability to Shape Evolution

North America
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Market Research
Research Code: K36B-01-00-00-00
SKU: EN01172-NA-MR_23928
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North American Connected Home Water Management Market, Forecast to 2023
Published on: 23-Dec-2019 | SKU: EN01172-NA-MR_23928

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The emergence of smart home products and solutions, grounded by platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, has created an entirely new market vertical in the residential water management space. This opportunity is driven both by the value of greater smart home integration and the benefits of greater control and information of water management products. Demand, however, is being opened up primarily by manufacturers, rather than a strong organic demand from the consumer end. With the larger demand and growth in connected homes, manufacturers of residential water treatment products want to ensure that they are ready to capitalize on the expected future growth.

Furthermore, market leadership in digital connectivity can help shape the market to a participant’s advantages and strengths. Participants enter the market in a number of ways. The organizations may take existing products and make them connected solutions, or they may use their expertise in the industry to create distinct devices that tackle broader home water management issues, while other participants may focus on digital cloud platforms to create a business-to-business (B2B) offering. Whole house leak detection, moisture sensors, flow monitoring, filtration and softening, and fixtures look for digital and connected solutions to enhance home control and optimization. Benefits range from lower energy bills, prevention of bursts, leak remediation, optimized ordering of softening salts and filter replacements, remote and automatic water flow shut-off, and routine diagnostics, and performance evaluation. The ability, however, for each market participant to understand when is the best time to enter the market and how, or how an organization can best generate consumer traction, is critical in this type of growth market. Each market participant needs to engage in careful planning, and execute a strategy to position themselves for growth and allow for flexibility in evolution to cater to demand as it matures.

This research service investigates the North American market for connected home water management. With an evaluation of the growth environment and market revenues and forecast, the study delivers visioning scenarios and a growth pipeline, which identifies opportunities in vision and strategy and in brand and demand, along with a Growth Opportunities Matrix developed by Frost & Sullivan that participants can use to determine/evaluate their growth zones. Leading stakeholders in the market, including key equipment manufacturers, regulators, and customers, have contributed to this research. Data and primary research inputs have been aggregated and analyzed to determine key market opportunities over the forecast period (2019–2023).

Anaiyst: Seth Cutler

Purpose of this Experiential Study

5 Step Process to Transformational Growth

Strategic Imperatives for Connected Home Water Management Market Participants

Growth Opportunities for Equipment Suppliers

Market Scope and Segmentation

Market Landscape

Background to the Connected Home Water Management Market

Background to the Connected Home Water Management Market (continued)

Background to the Connected Home Water Management Market (continued)

Background to the Connected Home Water Management Market (continued)

Market Drivers and Restraints

Drivers Explained

Drivers Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained

Restraints Explained (continued)

Market Revenues

Market Revenues Discussion

Market Participant Profile—Phyn

Market Participant Profile—DROP

Market Participant Profile—Flo by Moen

Market Participant Profile—Culligan International

Market Participant Profile—Flume Tech

Macro to Micro Visioning

Social and Demographic Trends

Industry Mega Trends

New Business Models

Disruptive Technologies

Competitive Landscape Trends

Top Predictions for the North American Connected Home Water Management Market

Levers for Growth

Growth Opportunity 1—Business Models

Growth Opportunity 2—New Capabilities

Growth Opportunity 3—Vertical Integration

Growth Opportunity 4—Geographic Expansion

Growth Opportunity 5—Investment/M&A

Growth Opportunity 6—Brand Recognition

Growth Opportunity 7, 8—Thought Leadership and Outbound Marketing

Growth Opportunity 9—Customer Research

Growth Opportunity 10—Upsell/Cross-sell

Identifying Your Company’s Growth Zone

Growth Opportunities 1–5—Vision and Strategy

Growth Opportunities 6–10—Brand and Demand

Growth Opportunities Matrix

Growth Strategies for Your Company

Prioritized Opportunities Through Implementation

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The emergence of smart home products and solutions, grounded by platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, has created an entirely new market vertical in the residential water management space. This opportunity is driven both by the value of greater smart home integration and the benefits of greater control and information of water management products. Demand, however, is being opened up primarily by manufacturers, rather than a strong organic demand from the consumer end. With the larger demand and growth in connected homes, manufacturers of residential water treatment products want to ensure that they are ready to capitalize on the expected future growth. Furthermore, market leadership in digital connectivity can help shape the market to a participant’s advantages and strengths. Participants enter the market in a number of ways. The organizations may take existing products and make them connected solutions, or they may use their expertise in the industry to create distinct devices that tackle broader home water management issues, while other participants may focus on digital cloud platforms to create a business-to-business (B2B) offering. Whole house leak detection, moisture sensors, flow monitoring, filtration and softening, and fixtures look for digital and connected solutions to enhance home control and optimization. Benefits range from lower energy bills, prevention of bursts, leak remediation, optimized ordering of softening salts and filter replacements, remote and automatic water flow shut-off, and routine diagnostics, and performance evaluation. The ability, however, for each market participant to understand when is the best time to enter the market and how, or how an organization can best generate consumer traction, is critical in this type of growth market. Each market participant needs to engage in careful planning, and execute a strategy to position themselves for growth and allow for flexibility in evolution to cater to demand as it matures. This research service investigates the North American market for connected home water management. With an evaluation of the growth environment and market revenues and forecast, the study delivers visioning scenarios and a growth pipeline, which identifies opportunities in vision and strategy and in brand and demand, along with a Growth Opportunities Matrix developed by Frost & Sullivan that participants can use to determine/evaluate their growth zones. Leading stakeholders in the market, including key equipment manufacturers, regulators, and customers, have contributed to this research. Data and primary research inputs have been aggregated and analyzed to determine key market opportunities over the forecast period (2019–2023). Anaiyst: Seth Cutler
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Seth Cutler
Industries Environment
WIP Number K36B-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No
GPS Codes 9307-A4