US Mobile Wallet Market Insight

US Mobile Wallet Market Insight

From Payments to Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: 9838-00-73-00-00
SKU: TE00086-NA-MR_00995
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A wide range of financial services are presently being offered through the mobile channel in the United States. These include mobile banking services, peer-to-peer remittance services, mobile shopping services, and price comparison services. This Frost & Sullivan’s strategic insight presents an analysis of the key trends in the United States' mobile wallet market. This insight also provides a brief overview of other payment-related value-added-services (VAS) that can be offered through the mobile channel.

Table of Contents

State of the US Mobile Wallet Market

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A wide range of financial services are presently being offered through the mobile channel in the United States. These include mobile banking services, peer-to-peer remittance services, mobile shopping services, and price comparison services. This Frost & Sullivans strategic insight presents an analysis of the key trends in the United States' mobile wallet market. This insight also provides a brief overview of other payment-related value-added-services (VAS) that can be offered through the mobile channel.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index Yes
Podcast No
Author Vikrant Gandhi
Industries Telecom
WIP Number 9838-00-73-00-00
Is Prebook No