Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 30 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Money Down the Drain

    An Overview of Non-revenue Water Costs and Opportunities in South Africa and Mozambique

    The African continent faces a growing battle for achieving adequate and safe access to power and potable water. Without addressing the need for power and water, Africa will not achieve its true growth potential as the “world’s last growth frontier”. Macro-economic forces such as climate change, growing populations, increasing urbanisation rat...

  2. 30 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Opportunity Analysis of the Water Value Chain

    An Overview of Non-Revenue Water Costs and Opportunities in Kenya & Tanzania

    The African continent faces a growing battle for achieving adequate and safe access to power and potable water. Without addressing the need for power and water, Africa will not achieve its true growth potential as the “world’s last growth frontier”. Macro-economic forces such as climate change, growing populations, increasing urbanisation rat...

  3. 30 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    East African Power Industry Convention 2015 Intelligence Report

    Conference and Industry Market Insight August, Nairobi, Kenya

    This Market Insight is a high-level overview of the 2015 EAPIC conference held in Kenya, providing insight into the key themes and drivers of the power and energy sector in the East African region.

  4. 20 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Kenya and Tanzania Electricity Markets

    Addressing Opportunities in a Region with Growing Power Demand

    The electricity markets of Kenya and Tanzania are power scarce, with low electricity access and per capita consumption levels. Electricity demand here is set to increase significantly, driven by the economic upturn and increasing urbanisation. Kenya and Tanzania are focusing on utilising their natural gas and geothermal energy resources to meet the...

  5. 20 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Growth Opportunities within Selected Chemicals Market in Nigeria and Kenya

    Infrastructure Development and Market Self-sufficiency Drives Growth

    The drive for infrastructure development and market self-sufficiency is common to both Nigeria and Kenya, as is the desire to export excess products to neighbouring countries. This study provides an overview of the cement, fertiliser, and plastic packaging markets in Nigeria and Kenya and highlights key growth opportunities in each market. Content...

  6. 19 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Digital Media—Pay TV and VoD in Africa

    As many forms of technology and entertainment, the use of pay TV and Video on Demand is rapidly expanding across Africa with the growing adoption and acceptance of the digital media. Providers across the continent are leveraging increased connectivity rates and last mile investment to gain access to customers and strengthen the vendor/customer rela...

  7. 19 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Pay TV, Video on Demand, and IPTV Growth Opportunities in Africa

    Innovative Pricing and Content Bundling Boosts Growth in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa

    This research provides analysis of the pay TV, video on demand (VOD), and Internet protocol television (IPTV) markets in Africa, with Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa highlighted. The study also analyzes triple play services markets and offers insights regarding provider strategies and the convergence of competition across the entertainment market....

  8. 15 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Renewable Energy in North Africa

    Opportunities for Wind and Solar Power Development

    The electricity supply industry in Morocco, Egypt, and Algeria is heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Economic development and rapid urbanisation in the region have created a market where electricity demand has been growing at an average 6-8%. Thus, the governments of these countries have begun to implement strategies for the development of wind and s...

  9. 31 Aug 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    A Snapshot of the Mozambique Energy Sector

    This analysis delves into the current energy sector in Mozambique. It profiles both the current and future energy supply and demand. It also provides an overview of the country's energy mix, power generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure, the primary energy sector participants, the policies in place, tariff structures, the natural r...

  10. 29 Aug 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    African Infrastructure Tracker—Tanzania

    Rapid Port Development to Boost Trade Activities

    Tanzania is one of the most rapidly growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly driven by agriculture, banking, industry, construction, services, energy, mining, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sectors. It is an active member of the East African Community (EAC), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Open ...
