SMAC Market Research Reports

  1. 20 May 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Effectively Managing the Hybrid Cloud

    Infrastructure-Neutral Platforms Offer Hybrid Benefits

    In this SPIE, we examine two such management software providers—Accelerite and Embotics—showcasing their platforms and capabilities. Both Accelerite and Embotics seek to help enterprises manage infrastructures across multiple deployment models and providers. In addition to delving into each provider’s solutions, we discuss the potential for s...

  2. 06 May 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    The Financial Dynamics of AI: Will Robots Really Take Over the World?

    This paper examines the state of AI business rationalization, and looks at one company, IBM, that is attempting to provide support to business leaders presented with the decision to adopt AI solutions.

  3. 22 Apr 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Conversational A.I.: It’s A Bot Time for a New Conversation on Customer Engagement

    Most organizations understand the direct correlation between customer experience and business performance. The question is how to make those experiences pay off even more through higher revenue per interaction. This SPIE report analyzes how smart companies are achieving just these types of results through artificial intelligence (A.I.) and other te...

  4. 03 Mar 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Big Data and Analytics Market Outlook

    Privacy Concerns to be at Core of Future Growth Strategies, Co-ordination between Government, Industry and Consumers Critical to Designing Workable Privacy Solutions

    The BDA market is increasingly focusing on privacy. The breakneck pace of change with regard to privacy regulations, and a lack of historical perspective among many when it comes to current notions of privacy, cries out for focused analysis on the state of the market with regard to privacy, and what organizations should do about it. That is the int...

  5. 26 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Data Explosion Escalating Healthcare’s Cyber Risk

    Digital Transformation and Cyber Defenses Should March as One

    The information essential in the delivery of health and wellness services also attracts others intent on profiting by fraudulent use. Moreover, deepening pools of digitized information; the broad ecosystem of interconnected participants in the end-to-end development, delivery, and payment of health services; and the openness necessary to satisfy co...

  6. The Operations, Orchestration, Data Analytics and Monetization (ODAM) applications that depend on timely, relevant data to support the CSP business are critical if CSPs are to evolve into the service innovators they must become. ODAM applications also provide the flexibility and real-time operational response that CSPs need to bring new services to...

  7. 10 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) - Buyers Guide

    Resolving Out-of-Control Data Growth with Cloud-Based Database Management

    Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) is a cloud-based approach to the management and storage of data. By placing the database software and associated management functions in the cloud, DBaaS enables databases to scale elastically on-demand. It also removes the management of the database software—such as updates, patches, or security measures—from the ...

  8. This weeks SPIE identifies the monetization complexities of multiple partner relationships that now characterize the everything connected business environment. The report explains how an ecosystem of partners can be remunerated for their machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) M2M has historically referred to the collection and rem...

  9. 22 Jan 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    To Win the Cloud Wars, Invest in Marketing, not Technology

    In this SPIE, Stratecast examines several service characteristics that shape buyer perceptions of cloud infrastructure services, as revealed in the 2015 Stratecast Cloud User Survey. These include brand leverage, pricing strategies, service level agreements, interoperability positioning, and customer support. We also offer marketing recommendations...

  10. The use of public cloud storage, fully or partially, in a business’s approach to file backup is possible without placing sensitive data at risk, and without weakening data reliability. In this SPIE, we describe solutions from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Security First that serve this purpose.
